A heavy question, boys and girls!
Because we don't react, people don't think we take in anything. So wrong, right?
Anyway, this weekend I heard this ridiculous debate between guises and disguises. This went on and on in the rectory den between Jack and Will. What's the difference? Even though I was napping behind Will's head, I finally became so disgusted with hearing about it, I mumbled, "Oh, shut up!" Will got the giggles and Jack wondered what that was all about. The younger priest said nothing.
Disguises, of course, is when we hide behind something and people don't know who we are. Like so:
You didn't know this was me at first, did you? Of course not. *wink wink*
Now, guise without the "dis" means...wait, I have to look it up cuz I forgot. Okay, let me get past the words groin and guinea fowl.and hackney. Now I've gone too far...
Here it is: guise means "assumed behavior." So the man was acting in the guise of a detective, although not a detective in reality. But, you knew who he was.
Anyway, I hope I'm on the right track relating all of this. The two priests mentioned the housekeeper and the graphics she's created around me. These, I think are guises since I'm not hiding:
Wolfie says: "Oh my, but red looks so good on you!" |
Here I'm acting as one of General Washington's men:
And, here I am once again in disguise:
And, finally, there's always Lucy in disguise with diamonds..teehee:
(which is how the whole stupid conversation ended, with everyone laughing, including me!)
So, my friends, keep your ears peeled and have a great week. Don't eat anything that smells suspicious and look for those hands with long nails for a most heavenly scratch.