There was only one problem. My writer human got confused. She thought it was "PUT Your Pet to Work." I didn't know any different. My not-a-care-in-the-world life turned into a day-long sweatshop.
I'm so disgusted, tired and overworked. I didn't get my break--okay, breaks. My lunch was late. I couldn't snack. There were no toys. All I did all day long was work, work, work.
Finally, after being hunched over the keyboard, suffering from catmal toenail sin-drome, editing over and over with only a bowl of holy water for sustenance, my short story was finished. And, when I say short, I mean cat short.
Here it is:
Once upon a time in a cat box far, far away, there lived a gnome. He was lucky because the box he lived in was always kept immaculately clean. He didn't know why, but he liked living in gravel. He was about the size of cat poop. Only trouble was, when the box was cleaned, he was scooped out, too. He didn't know what to do. Then, he got a bright idea. He would wear a bright, red hat! That way, he would be undisturbed.
That's why, to this day, gnomes wear little red hats!

What do you think?