"It's a jungle out there," I think is how the expression goes. Well, whoever said that never thought about the jungle that is happening under our very noses.
I had a chance to get out a little bit this week. It was a beautiful day and I was busy enjoying the sunshine when I started hearing all sorts of noises and couldn't figure out where they were coming from. There was scratching and sounds of dropped rocks, chattering conversations, and animal burps, probably from eating acorns.

I had to investigate, of course, but not a single critter stuck his head out while I was watching, which disappointed me no end. I even hid, waiting. I guess they decided not to chance it and headed out somewhere else. It suddenly did get awfully quiet.
It's really quiet here. Now is the best time for me to post since I can't get near the computer during the week. If they only knew, hehehe!
It's been a couple of weeks since I ended a post with a joke, but before I tell you all a new one, I wanted to let you know that I've always been a big fan of the comedians on the old shows. I like Jackie Gleason, Red Skelton, Milton Berle and others I can't recall right now. What was so nice about them is they all shared their jokes with each other in the same spirit that I share this joke with you:
A man felt so bad after running over a cat with his car. He couldn't just leave the animal and go about his business, so he went up to the door of the house right where it happened and knocked. A woman answered and he apologized, "I'm so sorry, I just ran over your cat, but I'll be happy to replace it." She looked him over and said, "Well, hurry up, then, there's a mouse in the kitchen!"
