The housekeeper has outdone herself (don't think on this too long, hehe)..
She wrote an article about my breed, the Maine Coon and I do believe she has done us all justice. I don't know how many of you have some of that wild, burly, can-do spirit in you, but they say there's a little Maine Coon in all us adventure types.
Here's the article she wrote: The Maine Coon: Just One Cool Cat (that's me!)
So, I guess that's the highlight of the past week. Of course, I'm all over just have to key in Fr. Tom Fishworthy and you're all set. Thanks to all of you who have taken an interest! More is coming!
I was so excited about the article that I composed a sea shanty song. Next on-board outing, you're welcome to come along!

Heigh-ho, heigh ho...
I’m a Maine Coon and the sea
It awaits me
The rats on the ship will prove
Quite tasty..
I’m ready for sea squalls and
Salt spray galore
My thick furs and can-do
Say “Even the score!”
Fellow kitties are happy
They smile every day
Drinkin’ catnippin’ whiskey
Packin’tuna away
Never fear we’ll reach shore
Thanks to heavens above
Ratted, tunaed and whiskeyed
Finding furladies to love.
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho..
Swimmingly yours,
That was really a great sea shanty. We have a big resident Maine Coon here who has no aversion to water either. He is in fact our Editor in Chief. We always run things don't we?
Polydactyl...that's so cool! Are you a mitten kitten, Tom?
dood....zeuz iz total lee kewl...him helped uz last fall witha 'projectz ;) yur shanty iz awesum ....we hope ta see an on core soon !!! ☺☺♥♥
now we will go reed yur storee ~ ☺☺♥♥
Hi Tom...thanks for stopping by Manor Madi today. I like meeting new friends. I like your sea shanty song
Hugs Madi
Wow I love your poem, you are a cat of boundless talents. Your picture is pretty amazing too!
Maine Coons are so special, congrats!!!
That’s s mighty fine article written about Maine coon. It’s a bread I’d love to meet too. Think of all the places I, a small tuxedo princess could go with s 19lb bodyguard! Mol
Great poem, I have pirate blood in me so appreciate the roar of the sea and the canon.... and chasing rats sounds really cool!
Toodle pips and purrs
I read the article! She did a pawsome job :)
What a fun read, Tom. Tell the housekeeper that while our Izzy isn't a Coon, he weighs as much as one. ;-)
That is cool, I will check it out.
What a great poem, Tom. You Maine Coon cats are quite talented!
Pawsome song Tom!
Maine Coons are special man cats for sure.
That's a great sea shanty, Tom. I often wondered if Eric had some Maine Coon in him somewhere down the line. He was a big boy at 23 pounds, loved water, very laid back and loved everyone.
You are one cool cat, indeed! I once saw Coonie while waiting at vet's office. He/she was really huge and beautiful :-)
That is a great poem!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
That's a great poem Mr. Tom!
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