What could be more fitting for a cat priest than to be seen here between the devil and the deep blue sea (inlet), he he! Can you find me in this photo? It was just a beautiful day this past Saturday.
Kitties, it was a wonderful trip to Delmarva to sign books, talk about yours truly (meow) and a great opportunity to visit friends. We'll be getting together photos the next few days to share with you. Sorry to hear some of our furriends are ailing, but we're glad to be back in touch.
More later. :)
Tom & Julie
Can't wait to see the pictures Tom.Yup. we found you in both pictures. That is a very pretty place. Hope it was a good book signing. Take care.
Your catmouflage was good but I spotted you! Glad that the trip went well, look forward to hearing all about it :)
We're glad the book signing trip went well. Nice to see you back!
I sure am glad to hear it was a successful trip!
We found your handsome visage in both of those pictures, Tom. :)
We are glad to hear the trip was a success. Welcome back!
Your camo technique is terrific. We would have strolled right by... except then we realized that there was something terribly handsome we had to look at.... YOU!
I can't wait to see book signing photos!
he he- I did find you in the last picture. You are handsome as ever. Can't wait to see more pictures. Loved your book and hope all our pals will buy it.
We found you too! Sounds like a neat town and book signing. And uh Tom, it's best that you don't know what Margarita sunsets are...being of the cloth and all.
I found you! These photos are beautiful. Glad you had a great trip. We are looking forward to more photos!
Oh Tom we can't wait to hear more and see the pictures.
What a great spot to hang out, Tom! We can't wait to see more!
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