Julie says..
I wanted to add one more picture to the Delmarva album. This is Linda, a very good friend who has been battling cancer. The doctor tells her it's in remission now (they discovered it early, thank God) and she was all smiles when I saw her. I mentioned her doggie in the book and I plan to mention dogs or kitties in future books for a donation to a shelter. I just have to work out the details.
Come to find out yesterday, there's a whole book group that's been formed and its members are my best friend Jan, Linda, Carolyn, and Norma--with Vi to be added when she gets the book for Christmas. Nobody breathe a word!! No one wants to get ahead of the other, even though they tell me it's a page-turner, so they're hustling each other up to keep up! They might just decide to take it slow, though, for Vi's sake.
I appreciate your comments regarding the book here, in person and in emails. I have to get cracking to have the next book ready. Meanwhile, there's this blog which will keep everyone in the loop with what's going on.
Take care, efurrybody. Mittens and Tom'll be back next time.
Can't wait.
Hahahahaha! Me, too!
Well this will be exciting. Looking forward to it all. Take care.
We're delighted for you that things are going so well, Julie!
Purrs and purrayers to Linda for her continued remission. :-)
Our mom hasn't read the book yet. We think we will get her it for Christmas!!
That is a great picture and it sounds like quite a special group!
Mum hasn't seen the book yet - we think she would like it.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Wes been enjoying the book!
Can't wait for the "fur"ther adventures to come!
I enjoyed reading about your trip. Beautiful places and you met nice people :-) The photo of you in a seat pocket in the airplane cracked me up!
Prayers and warm thoughts for Linda. What a wonderful smile she has.
I've added this book to my Christmas list - look forward to reading it in the new year!!
We are hoping to get your book for Christmas! :)
This is wonderful Julie.
How furry exciting!
That sounds like a great book club! Your book tour looked really neat too!
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