Maybe even take up yoga.
Number two on the rezlooshuns list is to behave in my personal rectory rest room. I'm told I have no regard for where I fling the gravel, digging as if to inner Earth. They said the Sea of Galilee goes on top, gets covered over and I'm done. What are they talking about?
Number Three of the zlooshuns is to no longer imbibe in holy water--the kind served in the rectory den. No more candy, either unless it's a toy like this. That means the housekeeper will discover it come Easter (when she does her spring cleaning) Actually, I don't eat candy. I just didn't have a pic of me imbibing is all.
Number Four of the sloossssssshherons is I have to set a good example for Mitty. What, and ruin him?
Number ah, er, ah (what number am I on??) Oh, nevermind, I'm a cat who enjoys his nip on this merry old holiday and wishes all of his friends, fans and Julie the best New Year ever, full of blessings, goodies, and good times.
Hey, my little friend, I've made some strong clawfee for you. When the ball drops, I want you to see just one, not three.
And, thank you everybody for another great year. Let's make the new one happy, healthy and hopeful. Most of all we're so grateful for your friendship. We couldn't do it without you.

The best to all in 2012!
Tom, Mittens and Mom Julie
We can see you're into the nip a little early, Tom! Heh heh.
A very happy new year to you all. May 2012 bring joy, Light, laughter, love and good health!
Way to go Tom. You have the right idea. We sure do wish you a very Happy and Healthy New year. Take care.
Great resolutions! Hey, my resolution is to not make resolutions! Happy, Happy, Happy New Year!!!
What great resolutions (btw we haven't made any cos them Mum can't tell us off if we stray off course!!)
Happy New Year to you all
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Happy New Year dear friend. May 2012 be the best year ever.
Cute photos, great resolutions, but we don't think you can ever have too much nip :)...Wishing you all a very Happy New Year filled with great health, much love and tremendous and hugs, precious friends...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
I've enjoyed your blog so much and look forward to more in 2012. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
Pawsome resolutions. We didn't make any because we knew we would break them right away!!
The Florida Furkids
Resolutions are for the non-church kitties, right? Cause we know you'll keep yours. **snicker, snicker**
Happy New Year!
love you guys....cheers to a wonderful 2012...and we vote you stay just the way you are!!!
Happy New Year, friends!
Happy New Year, Tom, Mittens and Mom Julie!
Excellent resolutions Tom! Me has not made mine yet. Me likes to put things off until they has to be done.
| New |
* \__/
__||__ Nellie & Kozmo
One thing, Tom. Please do not drive. tee hee Have a terrific time and a wonderful New Year!
We wish you all a very Happy New Year! And Tom...we want to see in a month whether you keep those resolutions! ;)
Wally, Ernie, Zoey and mom Sue
Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and love filled New Year... Hugs GJ xx
Happy new year, Tom! These are good new year resolutions. I'm sure you will set a good example for Mittens :-)
We wish you all a very happy 2012!!
Buddy Bear said, and I quote here: "Here's to the best of all the holidays you've celebrated to date, and to the all the even better ones you will celebrate in the years to come.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours."
"No I'm not all that good at witty and warm greetings, but I do know I have enjoyed the year reading along with you and the young one and the Mom, so I'm wanting to wish you all the best for the future."
"We are the 6 Mouskateers of Five Oaks Manor, SouthWoodsUSA™, and our keepers. By name we are Buddy Bear, MikiCato, Ms Princess, Ms Smokey, Tegar and Rowdy, and the Beans are Lisa and Roy, or as we call them, Small One and Large One."
All our love. Y'all come!
Very Happy Noo Yeer to you all!!
Tom those are some great resolutions, but oh what the hay, just kick back and enjoy, after all we're cats we're good at that!
Happy new year
Happy New Year, we hope you keep warm and toasty.
Julie and Poppy Q
Happy Healthy New Year to you too!
hee hee! Tom, yours is a purrfect example of why we don't make resolutions :D Happiest of New Years to all of you from us! purrs,
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
I think we kitties are perfect, hence no resolutions needed!
I've made New Year's revolutions for my peeps. You can't improve upon my purrfection.
Tom, we want some of what you're having...A Happy New Year!
Here's to a fun-filled 2012!
Happy New Year!
Those are great resolutions, Tom, we are proud of you! We should probably get with it and do ours - but we'll probably nap first. Happy New Year!
Happiest of New Years to you! Hope you sell lots of books!
Meg & Fin
Wishing you a happy new year and hope you can keep at least some of your resolutions.
Oh Tom, theese one is a good one! Love your rezlooooshuns, they'z the best I'z seen! Wishing you all a 2012 filled with many blessings. Happy New Year!
(PS: Neytiri passes a thank you for your Angel compliment!)
Hello there lovely Tom! Me and Charlie think it's much more fun imbibing niptinis and other yummy treats! Yay!
Awww we love your 'lotions, looshons, restorations - love em!! LOL!
We hope you and gorgeous Mittens and mum Julie have a glorious New Year! Take care
Happy New Year Tom, Mittens & mom Julie we wish you Happiness & Good Health ~
Good luck on your rezzolutionz Tom ^..^ We gave up on dem yearz ago , well da mom did, on thinkin we'd efen keep jus one ^..^ Purrz~ xoxo
I made some slossssssherons for my Human but none for me because *I* am already purrfect.
Happy Noo Yeer!!!
Love and kisses to you sweet Tom and Happy New Year to you and your momma. xoxoxo
Dearest Tom! We wish a very happy new year to you, Julie and Mittens. We love you all, and purr and pray that 2012 is filled with much joy and abundant blessings! :)
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