Actually, I didn't, even though I was hanging by a prayer in our tree, dropping balls left and right.
Mom Julie hurt herself after slipping on our icy steps and hitting the flat of her back against the bricks. It's been so warm lately, didn't even think about rain becoming ice overnight in spots.
Oh, Tom! My left hand isn't working very well and there aren't too many words that I could just type with my right. I'm so glad my shopping was done.
Thought we would share some photos of Tom (without meaning to) scaring the nativity kitties and our poor tree.
Have a happy, safe and blessed Christmas everybody!
Tom, Mittens & mom Julie
***Went to the doctor. Nothing broken, thank God and Cod. Thank you all for kind words! Never gone on a dr's appt. during Christmas. At least my pain is festive, hehe! Now, all I have to worry about is Tom getting back into the tree and Mitty wanting to get into the refrigerator.
Oh no. We hope Mom Julie is feeling a bit better.
We have the same nativity!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We love the kitty nativity!!
We're sorry Julie got hurted. We hope she feels better soon!!
Big purrs to Mom Julie and I hope she feels all better really soon. Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!
poor Julie - we hope you feel better soon....
Mom LOVES the cat nativity....
Oh dear - Julie we are sorry to hear about your accident and hope your ouchie will get better soon.
We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and an accident free New Year.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We hope Julie feels better, furry soon!!
Poor Julie, we are sending PURRS.
Happy Christmas dear friends ~ and a joyful and healthy new year to you all. xx
Mom Kim here: Ouch is right. If you need to see a doctor or go to physiotherapy, please do it. I fell on my back down my outside steps 2 years ago this past August, just missed my spine but had a very deep soft tissue injury. Never went to the doctor because I could still move (barely), but now, 2+ years later, I've started physio (at my doctor's recommendation) and wish I had done it, well, two years ago. So it's possible to still have problems down the road. (Just a caution not to brush it off and say, as I did, that you just have to live with the pain.)
Lots of healing purrs from the boys and gentle hugs from me.
oh dear! We are purring for mom Julie. Feel better! Merry Christmas from all of us!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
Oh noooo - healing purrs are being sent to Julie. That sounds like quite an Owie. love your pictures tho. Merry Christmas.
That sounds like a big ouchie! We hope you aren't too badly hurt, Julie. It sounds very painful...
And Tom, dear Tom...that nativity kitty looked horrified at you stepping right over baby nativity kitty!
Hope Julie feels better soon but it sounds pretty bad. Love your kitty Nativity.Er, that isn't your BUM on the Baby Jesus, I hope ...
Oh hope Julie recovers well and feels better very soon. And can I just say that I love love LOVE your kitty nativity (although in one picture it does look like you've caused a bit of a scare Tom!!).
Merry Christmas
Well, there's a find howdy-do!! We think a couple of extra eggnogs will dull the pain! Thank goodness your Julie is OK.
Meowy Katmas from the Katnip Lounge Kats!
Wow, never a dull moment at your house! I'm glad nothing was broken but I am sure it still hurts! Take care of yourself and let your soft tissue damage heal, maybe look into a physical therapist if things still don't seem to be working right after a while. And don't stress about Tom and MIttens having their way with the Christmas decor - that is what they are supposed to do!
Oh noes! So sorry to hear about the fall and hope you are not too sore and in too much pain. That ice can really be treacherous. I love your Nativity kitties though. Have a Meowvalous Christmas!
Oh goodness, hope your pain goes away quickly!
Love the kitty nativity! And even though it's ornery, love seeing Tom getting up close and personal with the tree!
Oh Dear poor Mom Julie , we glad nuffin iz broke..... ^..^
We see Tom like to play Big Kitty in da sky ^..^.....hehehehe at least you mom putz a tree up fur youz to climb :) .... ^..^
Merry Chrismouse ~
Feelz Better mom Julie ^..^ xoxoxoxoxoxo
Oh dear Mom Julie
We are so sorry for you fall. WE wish you a very quick recovery. Your nativity kitties are fabulous. And we hope the tree survives. hehehehehe
Merry Christmas
Oh my. Purrs to Mom Julie for feeling better ASAP! Tom, wow! You did a great job with that tree, gave us a chuckle (sorry Julie!)! We wish you a wonderful Christmas! (Watch out for Clooney Claus passing thru!)
PS: At a later date we must find out where you got Nativity kitties from! Can't believe it!
Hope the back is healing well!
Tree climbing should be a winter olympic sport!
Oh I send best purrs to Mom Julie !!! and I hope Magic Christmas make her feel better so soon
I won't be around till next 3 weeks, But I would love to say...Merry Christmas !!!!
I wish you all have a very best time : )
Puddy and Mom Boom
Dear Tom!
Oh! Your Poor Mommy! We is purraying forher. Slipping on the ice is not fun. Me LOVES your nativity. And your tree is beauteous.
Me and Kozmo and the hairy slobbery sisters and Mommy and Daddy sends yous and your family lots of Christmas cheer!
Sorry you fell Julie, glad nothing is broken!
Gosh, so sorry to hear that Julie got hurt. But glad to hear it isn't anything too serious even it does hurt seriously. In other words, Thank COD. you are all right. Have a Merry Christmas. Take care.
Please have a safe rest of the holiday!!!
Psst...Tom, Mittens...Clooney Claus has arrived with goodies! I prefer the front door to the chimney...
Oh adorable and ever so floofy and fantastic Tom!! Please give mum extra cuddles from me and my cat Charlie!!Your poor mum! We are glad she is ok and nothing's broken but still - what a shock! Awww! Big hugs!
We think your tree is adorable - the purple baubles are very pretty and you are doing a grand job tree inspecting and bauble removal! LOL!!
Have a most blessed and joyful and SAFE Christmas and Holiday season! Take care
Tom, Mittens, Julie,
A Merry and Blessed Christmas to you too!!
Oh, we love the Nativity Kitties! And, ummm, the balls keep just falling off our tree too...hmmm, you guys and us guys must have gotten batches of faulty hooks ;-)
We hope your Mom Julie's getting better after her fall. And gosh, we understand. Lots of days our Mumsy's left hand can't even hold a glass of water and her right can't hold a pen...hmmmm, see, it just goes to show, everyone should have paws!
We wish you a Merry Christmas, full of treats, toys, and bunches of love!
Poor Mom started Christmas quiet unluckily ! Hope it's all over now ! Stop climbing in the Christmas tree although if I imagine the picture I have to laugh ! (sorry)
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