Notes from a parish cat and his author Julie Mackenzie

My photo
I am Father Tom Fish, esteemed member of the religious team at Temptation of Christ Parish in the novels by author Julie Mackenzie. As to my background, I was invited into the rectory as a stray, laid on the charm, and was invited to stay, even honorarily ordained and no less spiritual than my sidekick Father Will. He dotes on me to high heaven and forgives all of my street cat proclivities, whatever the hell that means.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Hello, everybody! We want to wish all of our friends the happiest holiday filled with blessings and good cheer.

You can see how filled with good cheer I am.

Anyway, hugs and nosekisses to everyone and to everyone a good Sunday afternoon nap!


I hope we haven't missed anyone with our individual Christmas wishes and visits. This day's been a blur, but a happy one. Hope you've enjoyed the same.


ZOOLATRY said...

Merry Christmas to one and all, may all the joy of the season, and all the sweet blessings be yours!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Y'all have yourselves a Merry little Christmas!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas, Father Tom, and many more!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas too Tom with treats, kisses and catnip.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Sage said...

We hope you've had a catnip and treat-filled Christmas! Naps sound good!!

Sage & her Mom

Unknown said...

Tom! Meowy CatMoust to yous too!
CatMouse Kisses
Nellie and Kozmo

Oui Oui said...

A very Merry Christmas to you! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Mariodacat said...

Merry Christmas dear friends. Love that picture at the top.

Katnip Lounge said...

Merry Christmas! You don't look altogether thrilled about that bow...
Trish & the Kats xx

Julia Williams said...

Merry Christmas, and I hope your day involves a catnip mouse or two!

The Island Cats said...

We hope you are having a great Christmas!

Sparkle said...

I hope your holiday is filled with treats and toys!

Cara n Crew said...

Merry Christmas, Tom! All our best to you, Mittens, and your mom Julie for the New Year! We hope all of you are having a splendid day :)

Pip, Smidgen, minnie, hollie

Admiral Hestorb said...

what a beautiful picture of Tom...makes my heart glad.


Mom Carole

Merry Christmas and blessings in Him.

Cathy Keisha said...

Is that you or flat Tom? What a festive picture. Merry Christmas and I hope Julie is feeling better.

Quill and Greyson said...

Happiest of Holidays to you!!

Meg & Fin

Tamago said...

Oh I love the photo. You are so cute in pretty flowers :-)
We wish you a wonderful, fun-filled Christmas!!

The Crew said...

Merry Krismouse to you and your family!

The Crew

Elizabeth Keene said...

We hope you three had a blessed and cheery Christmas, too! SO SORRY about the near miss back injury, Julie. Hope it's not too painful. :(

I've got your book beside my PC and it's doing its darn best to coax me away...I think I'll have to give in soon; Tom is just too tempting! (And I'm done with the Christmas frenzy, YAY!)

Thank you for the lovely card!

Elizabeth, Jon Farleigh, Dewi, Tigger, Eva and Lulabelle

Sweet Purrfections said...

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and want to thank you for the support you've been to Mom Paula this past year. We look forward to many more years with our furriends on the CB.

Truffle, Brulee and Mom Paula

Samantha & Mom said...

Merry, Merry Christmas to you all!!
Love & hugs from your TX furiends,

Whisppy said...

Merry Christmas to all of you too!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Merry Christmas To All!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Merry Christmas!
Hope your back is better!

Admin said...

the christmas was perfect this year. i hope that next year will be the same again.

Sig: Andrew | manometer

meowmeowmans said...

We hope you, Julie and Mitty had a wonderful and blessed Christmas, Tom. And here's wishing you a new year filled with much happiness (and treats, too)!

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

A furry Merry Christmas to you!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

I just wanted to let you know that I posted an award for you on my blog!

Sage said...

We just awarded you the Kreative Blogger Award! Stop by my site to pick it (and the rules) up.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Hark! Make those herald angels sing!!

Thanks, guys for the awards, we'll be by straightaway to get them!

What a nice surpurrize!!


Ingrid said...

Wish you a happy New Year !