Maybe even take up yoga.
Number two on the rezlooshuns list is to behave in my personal rectory rest room. I'm told I have no regard for where I fling the gravel, digging as if to inner Earth. They said the Sea of Galilee goes on top, gets covered over and I'm done. What are they talking about?
Number Three of the zlooshuns is to no longer imbibe in holy water--the kind served in the rectory den. No more candy, either unless it's a toy like this. That means the housekeeper will discover it come Easter (when she does her spring cleaning) Actually, I don't eat candy. I just didn't have a pic of me imbibing is all.
Number Four of the sloossssssshherons is I have to set a good example for Mitty. What, and ruin him?
Number ah, er, ah (what number am I on??) Oh, nevermind, I'm a cat who enjoys his nip on this merry old holiday and wishes all of his friends, fans and Julie the best New Year ever, full of blessings, goodies, and good times.
Hey, my little friend, I've made some strong clawfee for you. When the ball drops, I want you to see just one, not three.
And, thank you everybody for another great year. Let's make the new one happy, healthy and hopeful. Most of all we're so grateful for your friendship. We couldn't do it without you.

The best to all in 2012!
Tom, Mittens and Mom Julie