Trying this thing on for size (in theory) just made things worse.
Then, I came up with an idea. Let's call it a Halloween flying saucer with ears!
Let me have at it! Nothing like bunny-kicking the pumpkins to Kingdom come. Mmmm...I smell eye of newt and m&ms!
As it turned out, it wasn't much of a toy, but perfect for another kitty's head!
Happy Halloween, everybody!
Oh Tom you do so look pretty upset in that first picture ....but it looks like you set things right! Happy Halloween.
Your pal, Pip
Good boy Tom, we hate costumes too. But that hat looks good on the black cat. Well done. Have yourselves a terrific Halloween. Hopefully not too scary. Take care.
Tom our mum knows better than to try and get us in a costume - if she wants hands that is!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
LOL! Well done, Tom. No cat should have to dress up as a human--certainly not without copious quantities of treats. :-P
Have a happy and safe All Hallow's Eve!
What a great post. Happy Halloween.
Thanks for stopping by to participate in the comment-a-thon today. The boys are so excited about sponsoring a cat at the humane society. You helped.
pawhugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles
We like the hat better on that black tried to dress us up last year - it was unappreciated!!
Thank goodness you kicked that thing to Kingdom Come! And it does look better on the black kitty anyway.
Happy Halloween!
Luf, Us
Thanks for droping by and for all you and Julie do .Have a Happy Helloween.
Happy H'ween!
Hahaha! Dats as funny bunny as can be! Haves a grreat halloween!
Love it Tom. you are a guy after my own heart. This dressing up is the pits - you have the right idea - lay on it! Oh, we've started your book and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!
MOL. We really liked your using that hat for bunnykicking, Tom.
Happy Halloween to you and Julie!
Tom, I think you know the proper use for cat-sized Halloween costumes!
That's where Halloween costumes belong—on zombie cats, not real ones. I hope someone got bitten or scratched. Happy Halloween.
Happy Halloween and I know just how you feel about the dressing up Hugs GJ xx
At least you had fun bunny kicking it afterwards Tom!! =^..^=
Ha..Ha..Ha.. Tom ! Great job !!!!
I wonder do you human still give you a treats..tee..heh
Happy Halloween Tom
Tom, costume revenge is so sweet...did you manage to put any holes in that terrible hat, or trim the ribbon? We hope so...Happy Halloween!
Tom, we lucked out this year and we didn't hafta wear costumes!!
Happy Halloween!!
We don't blame you, Tom! Dressin up is fur the dogs! hahameow! Happy Halloween!
Tom, you have the best costume: your lovely fur.
Happy Halloween Tom. You withstood that well and the bunny kicking was needed! Good on you. xoxoxox
Thanks for kicking that thing for all of us! At least you got to show it what you thought! Thanks for visiting and wishing me a Happy Purrthday. I hope you got lots of treats today.
Purrs, Mica Minnie Moo
Happy Halloween!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Hi Tom! We like how you handled that costume. We're not crazy about dressing up either. But, we do think fangs would look good with your Roman collar! Hee-hee =^~^=
Have a super fun Halloween!
Seems like you came up with a good solution Tom! Hope you had a great Halloween!
No body's going to get us into any silly costumes either!
We don't do costumes either ~ unless they are photo-shopped!
Ha ha ha, you sure don't like modeling :-) Giving bunny-kicking is a good idea. Hehe.
The black kitty is very cute and the hat is perfect on his head!
I hope you had a great Halloween!!
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