Notes from a parish cat and his author Julie Mackenzie

My photo
I am Father Tom Fish, esteemed member of the religious team at Temptation of Christ Parish in the novels by author Julie Mackenzie. As to my background, I was invited into the rectory as a stray, laid on the charm, and was invited to stay, even honorarily ordained and no less spiritual than my sidekick Father Will. He dotes on me to high heaven and forgives all of my street cat proclivities, whatever the hell that means.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fuss 'n Feathers

No, it can't be. My peepers are deceiving me!

A present left for me of two peacock feathers? How did they get here? They're bee-u-tee-ful!

Certainly the mighty peabird couldn't have shed two feathers in one place. Impossible.

Voluntarily surrendered them for my pouncing pleasure? Not hardly.

I think..and I think..mmmmm..

The only conclusion I can come to is they must have been a gift from the FSS.

The Feline Stealth Squad, an anonymous band of Robin Hood-like pranksters who steal from the unwary to give to the unlikely

And all in the name of fun.

Just to let you know, no peacocks were hurt--well, not until now

in the creation of this post. (Actually, the feathers came from the local animal shelter at a dollar apiece, but this made a much better story!)



Deb said...

Love the photo of the gang. Made me laugh. what's more fun than a feather?

Mariodacat said...

Great group photo of the Stealth Squad. Good to see they are on the job. I loves peacock fathers.

Marg said...

WE love the picture of the FSS, especially the kitten in the picture. What a great story about the feather.What a good buy too. Fun for Tom and help for the shelter. Purrfect. Hope you have a great week end. Thanks again for the prayers for Mahoney. She is still doing all right. Take care.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Incredible feathers Tom!!! Y'all have a great weekend!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Tom - we know you'll have a great weekend playing with those wonderful feathers.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Island Cats said...

Wow! We love peacock feathers!! How lucky of you to get some, Father Tom!! Give them a bitey from us!!

Tooki said...

Certainly is more interesting! I think the FSS looks very innocent...:)

The Daily Pip said...

The Feline Stealth Squad, bawhahahaha! I think they have been creating some trouble in my neighborhood, too!

Your pal, Pip

Fuzzy Tales said...

Maybe the FSS could bring US some peacock feathers too! Gorgeous!

Have fun, Tom. :-)

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

We love peacock feathers and make our mom buy them by the dozen. Isn't the crunch yummy?

Unknown said...

Oh! Me loved the story! It was so much better! We used to has a peacock feather, Me loved to plays with it. Then Kozmo came and he ATE it! Now me has no feather....

Whisppy said...

We LOVE peacock feathers too! Mommy bought FIVE of them once and we destroyed one while Boomer and Felix destroyed another two. The surviving two are now back at the top of the fridge where they are safe...until we figure out how to get up the fridge without breaking something. MOL.

Love, Cosmo and Ling

Julia Williams said...

Peacock feathers are an awesome cat toy!! What a nice find that was. I had some once, but they were so pretty that I didn't want the kittehs to ruin them, so I put them up high. That didn't really stop them, MOL.

Sparkle said...

Heh. I think your human was kidding you, Tom, by saying they were bought at a local animal shelter. Humans don't want to acknowledge the existence of the FSS!

Katnip Lounge said...

We are sooo jealous, we need the FSS to come visit us!


Tom we like your story best!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Good one, Tom! Love that photo of the gang - I am a gangster at heart and am actually part of a (now dysfunctional) gang.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Tom!!We loved your story of the feather and the FSS!!
Howdy from your TX furiends,

Oui Oui said...

Oooo... peacock fevvers! Our favorite! Nothing wakes us up faster than a peacock fevver...unless its munchies or nip. Cute little story! We think that gang is up to all kinds of stuff.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Oh Tom ,,, What a Lucky mancat you are ^..^ ,,, you truely Are Blessed to recieve such Bootiful fevverz.Seein da fevverz against da door,, it lookz like Christmas came upon you early :)))))
Enjoy your fevverz ~

MaryMatthews said...

You tell a great story, Father Tom! I'm really looking forward to reading your book. And my kitty LOVES the peacock feathers too:)

Clooney said...

That was a great story Tom, for sure! That FSS looks like it is not to be messed with for the Peacock probably gave up the feathers willingly! Those feathers look like they will be fantastic to play with! We like the pictures of you too. (And thanks for your thoughtful comment today, we appreciate it very much.)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Awesome feathers Tom ~ do they still smell deliciously of peacock?

Tamago said...

Peacock feathers are so beautiful and looks like they can be a very fun toy :-)

Fluffy and Heather said...

Thank you so much for your kind comments today, Tom and Julie. We will certainly come by and visit as we love your blog! We only hope that one day, we will have more time to dedicate to the things that we love. Have a lovely Sunday and enjoy playing with your new gift! ;)

Mr Puddy said...

Peacock feathers !!!! I want one of those !!!!
Oh Tom, I 'm not sure I can have a chance to play with cool toy like that. May I play with you ?
** Shake my butt, ready to be call ; ) ***

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Great post made me laugh! Am new to your blog but I love it. Hope you can stop by mine some time too :o)
Sarah, Bosco and Oliver

meowmeowmans said...

MOL. The FSS! If they give peacock feathers, we hope they stealth on over to our house, too. Enjoy, Tom!

Ingrid said...

Lol, what a story ! very posh to play with !

Unknown said...

Love that peacock photo - and the gang too. Peacock feathers are a fun variation on normal ones, when you want to play.

amanda said...

Gorgeous favourite is the gang photo. The FSS .... can I join? Rio from Barcelona