Oh, the packing stuff from my books. Let me tell you, I looked everywhere for the nip. There was no nip, nip was nil, zip nip, nada nip.. I don't care how you say it, no nip was shipped and I was ripped!
Tom, I'm going to call you "No Nip Chip." Besides, this is what you look like when you've had too much.
Anyway, like I was saying (whose post is this, anyway?) I looked so long and hard that finally I just crashed among the scrunched up papers.
After I woke up, Julie put me on inspection detail. She had a press kit (looked more like a fancy present to me) that had my book in it and tied with a gold cord.
A nicely-flavored gold cord, I might add. It passed my taste test and everything smelled like it was in order and she left.
When she got back, I found it on the desk.
What happened?
Tom, the receptionist at the newspaper was on a personal call and I had to wait. The person the kit was addressed to had been transferred to another building. I felt like I was in a twilight zone. After she ended her call, the young girl said, "I'll take that and put it in (xyz's) mailbox." I decided against it and left.
Good going. And you did that without showing my cardboard head?
I forgot your cardboard head. Anyway, Tom, it's your book. I want to make sure it stays in good hands.
It's in lots of good hands now!
You bet. Again, thanks everyone for your good wishes and support. Tom, you want to tell them?
Everybody, I have an EMAIL ADDRESS set up just for your thoughts and comments, so feel free to write to me at JRMparishcat [at] gmail [dot] com. My own mail..yay! *paws up!*
How dare they ship you a box without NIP! Gasp! Every cat's nightmare. I got your book yesterday. It was so exciting, and now I'm anxious to have M start reading it to me. She already told me i"ll have to have patience tho cuz she has to finish her other book first., Pffffft!
Very exciting news about getting your very own email account, Tom! And about all the goings-on surrounding the publication of your book, too, of course! We can hardly wait to read it. :)
Hugs to you and Julie!
That is just the pits, no Nip. Yikes. Well at least you had a good nap in that crinkly papers. We got our book too. We cannot wait to read it. Mom is reading another book but we are making her hurry so we can read your book.Take care all of you. Tom try to be good.
Wif your celebrity status you should haf nip at your disposal all day!
A nipless box Tom - what is the world coming to? You should have nip in a silver dish and a servant to sprinkle it within easy sniff!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
For pete's sake...it is a cat book - you think they could have sent even a little nip....
We love those snakey gold cords, so maybe that partly made up for the lack of nip.
Otherwise we advise you to request part of the proceeds go into a nip fund.
No nip? For a celebrity? That's not right. Those gold cords make fantastic interactive play things. Make Julie sat on the floor and zip it around her body or you can jump for it.
no nip? that's just wrong. CatFoodBreath keeps tweeting that they sell it in bulk on amazon. Bet you'd just love a 25lb box of nip arriving at your home..
I dig the sunglasses, Cathy! Glad you all came by. This weekly post was a little early for us. By the way, the nap in the papers was awesome. Dreamt of woodworms in red flannel and warehouse mice.
A nice big box with no nip. What is the world coming to? We will ask Mom to keep a lookout for your book.
OMD, no nip? That's just, not cool.
P.S. Don't forget to stop by our blog THIS week and enter the "name game" contest I'm hosting, (for my newest guide dog puppy) - it only takes a few seconds to do... and you may end up being the winner!
No nip?? That is a crime!! But at least you had some nice paper to scrunch up and sleep in.
That could be really bad, nip is one of the most impawtant food groups!!!
Boxes are just as fun as nip, right? That's pretty cool about your book and your new email address!
Your pal, Pip
Tom, how could those book people forget the nip?!? of all things! :D We bet Julie will handle your publicity just fine and you don't need to worry. And yow! your own email? You have arrived indeed! We got your book today and can't wait to start reading it - we love the inscription! thanks again-
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
My boxes of books did not have nip either! There is something wrong with that.
Well Father Tom I geuss you will just have to pray to the dear Lord and see if he will help you get some nip. Did you remenber to pray for Daisy Mae? Love reading yor post.Take Care.(Hugs)
Oh Tom we are sorry to hear about the "nada nip". Before you go on your book signings and guest appearances, it looks like you'z gonna have to negotiate in advance that nip be part of the deal.
Tom, I'm reading your book and you're my favorite character in it. Maybe you could pray to St.Anthony for your missing nip.
You have your own email addy?? WOW -- you know you've really made it when you can get messages from your furiends in your very own email box!!!
Congrats on your book and now your own email address. You soon will be needing secretarial help and I want to be the first to apply for this position.
Also, send me email information on how to order you book. I just love that your photo in on the front cover. Oh, that reminds me too. Do you need an agent? I would like to be the first to apply for that position too. Yep, I am getting bored a little and looking for things to do.
Oh, Tom, your photo when you had too much nip cracked me up! Maybe it's good that the book did not come with nip? :-)
You have your book and now you have e-mail address! You are the coolest kitty, Tom!!
fun blog ~ love the cat! ~thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) linked w/Weidknect Planet
Hi Father Tom, I've been meaning to come visit for ages, sorry that it's taken me so long. Congratulations on your book, one to put on my wishlist I think! =^..^=
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