Now, we couldn't call it Starbucks because that would be catbyright infringement and the java people who don't care for cats wouldn't appreciate it. I would suggest the name Pawbucks, refreshment open to all four-footed patrons. I say let the birds have their own Clawbucks, or take a chance and drop in on ours. I can't think of anything I would like better than to have a few feathers with my latte.
The reason for this demand for our own coffees and espressos and catpuccinos is a matter of equality. I'm tired of having to share.
But share I will as I continue to enjoy ice cubes a little on the watery side and milk coffee with its unmistakeable, wakeable flavor. Sometimes I have a little toast, butter and jam with my iced dribbles, but it's usually the refreshing taste of coffee from a well-chilled glass that, by itself, is the cat's meow.
So, let's raise a paw until we can raise a glass at our own coffee establishment!
Oh great idea Tom, a cat coffee. And a cafe just for cats to get their coffee. You need to work on that idea. Hope you have a great day and a great week end.
We love the pictures of you having toast and jam and coffee for your breakfast. Alas we don't know if we like coffee because mum doesn't buy if as she doesn't like it.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
That really is a great idea, just don't have a drive through window, I hate going in the car!
We like it - but the cost of the whipped cream might put you out of business (we like that more than the coffee).
Could we have something with nip? And definitely whipped cream!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Awesome idea, Tom! Maybe we could have some seasonable flavors, like nip of spice catmint latte? :)
ha ha - I'm leaving your post laughing today pal. Never quite thought of coffee that way. Still loving your book - bout half way thru with it
Ohhh! Me thinks me would loves to has a nipmoccachino with extra whipped cream please!!!
Hey, a virtual coffee bar! I feel like I've opened up for business already. Let's see, Brian would prefer no drive-thru. Check. Endorsed by Marg, Hannah & Lucy. Check. Whipped cream on hand for the Random Felines. Check. A little nip on the side or in a latte for Nicki and Derry. Check. Any further suggestions for menu or decor welcome!
Hehehehe! This is fun!
I'm with you. Great idea and I'll bring the scones to go with the coffee.
pawhugs, Max
More ideas for our coffee bar: meowmeowman's nip of spice catmint latte. Check. Mario, we'll make sure there's plenty of whipped cream for you, too. Penelope, a nipmocaccino. Check!
We have to hurry up and hire a staff of meowristas!
Hahaha, Pawbucks! I didn't know that kittehs liked catpuchinnos and such, but then again, Rocky is always flicking his tail in my homemade Caramel Macchiato so maybe they do!!
I like the idea of catbucks - I'll take a tunachino with extra whip (non-sweetened, of course)!
How about a delivery service? That way we won't have to get in the Dreaded Automobile.
We've never had coffee...Mommy says it would keep us from becoming catatonic!
Tom my Momma is a coffeeholic so she says YESSSSS!!!
I know 4 ol' senior cats that could use the effects of a good cup of jo. Cute pics of you dipping.
We would like some nip tea on the menu, Tom.
Hmmmmm..... I didn't realize you cats drank coffee too! No wonder you're up all night running up and down the hallway!
Let a dog get some sleep will ya?
Here here! We luf catpaccino! We second the motion to haf Pawbucks!
Oh we loves our Starbucks at my house! I bet that did taste great. Cool pictures. "Pawbucks" is a brilliant idea, I'll be your business partner! Have a great weekend Tom!
Yeay to Pawbucks! We can help with the cat coffee names!
What a great idea! Pawbucks will be so popular! I love your pictures tasting iced coffee. I hope you have no problem napping after having coffee :-)
Pawbucks is a great name...catbucks? catfeebucks? meowbucks...enjoy yr cool coffee!
What a wonderful idea; and I think "Pawbucks" is a awesome name!
Excellent idea Tom!
Love the pictures of you dipping your paw in the glass. Scooby does that with moms water glass, he'll stick his whole face in if the level is high enough!
Tom, how do you feel about the "new translation?" Humans just don't care for change any more than cats do, do they? No sireee!
Abby does this with water, she doesn't like other things but has been known to try them if they don't stink to her! She does that same pose before dipping in her paw, too!
Well I tried Mommy's coffee once and it was just yucky. Maybe yours is better. ~Scylla
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