We had an unexpected surprise just the other afternoon. After hearing a rumble outside, we went out to see and found a brown truck with a brown man, smiling as he pulled out brown boxes! By cod, it was our books! They weren't due for another week, but lo and bee-hold, they were here!
He put them all on the porch and we told him what they were. He was so nice. All the commotion had already drawn a crowd, hehehe!
Julie sat on the step with them at first. On the top was one small package, one book by its lonesome. She opened it up.
A gorgeous cover with the soft glow of a burning candle and best of all, my handsome mug is on the lower right-hand side. Weeeeeeee!
Tom, it was a very special day I will always remember. What makes it really special is that--
Hey, where'd they pack the nip?
OMC what a pawsome box!!! You must have been really excited. You know, if you sell all those books, you'll have a lot of boxes to play in!!! Will you be signing books in Florida???
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
I would love to sign books in Florida, but so far, just here, Maryland and Delaware. I'm happy to sign and giftwrap any books I ship (esp. with the holidays coming!)
I furrgot to mention the details, I was so excited to share the news this morning!
How exciting for your books to arrive early - we hope you were pleased with them or did you really prefer the boxes to the books - if you whisper to us we promise we won't tell!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Oh my that is so very exciting. We want one, a book that is. You can keep the boxes. Are they on Amazon?? We really do want to read the new book. We are so excited. As soon as we read it, we will do a review for your Mom. Take care.
Concatulations on the book! The cover looks great.
Maybe post some info re: shipping charges, though, to Canada and overseas, for those outside of the US who might want to buy it. (Sorry if you have already, the mom's not looked!)
Never mind, we found it on the sidebar. Can't wait
Concats! The books are great but the box is AMAZING! Purrs.
I wants one too. This is so exciting. You are famous now for sure pal.
OMC! We are SO impressed! This is just too exciting! Concats!!!
Oh this is SO exciting! I am thrilled to know a kitty whose mom is an author!!!
How very cool! Congratulations
Yeah yeah YEAAHHH!!! Congratulations on the book! Mummy read the book's description on Amazon and it sounds mighty interesting! I hope the book turns up at our shores soon.
The box is going to be so much fun!
That is an exciting way to start the weekend! Of course I will have to get the book too! Happy weekend everyone!
Oh wowzee! We ist ordering one now!
Luf, Us
How very exciting I would love to get a pawtographed copy how can I buy one.. Hugs GJ xx
Me was drooling over your tocs, when Kozmo told me to scroll down and WOWWIE! How exciting! Me must gets one of your books!
OK! Me ordered one!!! Don't tell Mommy!
How awesome - conga rats to you, Tom! My human thinks all those books are nip enough, at least for humans.
Wow! That is so exciting! Congratulations to you both, Tom and Julie. The cover is great, and we can hardly wait to read it! :)
Awesome cover and I am just going on a hunch, but I bet what's inside is pretty cool too!! Congrats, I know you must be over the moon.
We went to Amazon and see it is available for Kindle! thank you for making that possible!
We're thrilled for you! The cover is very inviting. Let me know if you'd like me to review it at either of my two blogs.
Congratulations! I have your book and you're putting the Cat in Catholic Tom!
This is so cool, Tom!! We definitely want an autographed copy!!
Hey Tom ,,,, We haz da same brown man wif da same brown truck givez us brown boxez too ,,, and they don't have nip either.... ::hummmmm::
Concatulationz to you & Julie on your book :) you really make dat cofur ^..^ Purrz~
How exciting! New books and new boxes! What could be better in life? Will you be doing some paw singing Tom? We live in Maryland. What is the signing schedule and where?
That's so exciting - a celebrated author and all! You must put your paw signature on all the books.
Nearly forgot - nice furry tocks!!!
OOOOh! What great boxes! Oh, and the books are very nice, too. That woman reads a lot . . .
Taffy and that woman
We ordered our copy. Jasper was just meowing to Frankie, "Will there be any nip between the pages?" What shall I tell them? Congrats!
Hooray !!!! Your book ! Concats to you and your human Tom : )
Concats, Tom! We look forward to reading your book!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
I know I say "Leave a pawprint with your thoughts," but I have too many to fitzzzzzz1!(oops) Thank you so much for your well wishes. I've looked around and I'm tickled. The book has been made available in many places and in lots of different ways to read it, so you can choose.
I'll be putting a post up in the next couple of days, to update you and keep my paws on the ground!
Hugs and smoochies to all!
Yay, congratulations on the book! They look great, it's so exciting!! Does the book come with nip? It'll be nice. Hehe.
HI, Father TOM, I'm Daisy,s Grandmom and she's geting up there in yer's, over 13 and could use your prayers.So please do keep her in your prayers always.I'M also BW Mom who"s a rescue cat, He found me and stayed. And 2 year's later Nina who is a dod found us and fell in love with BW and stayed. So they are good friends and play togeter.I'm so happy I found your blog though Mr.Puddy.
Congrats on the book - looks like a great gift idea!
Do stop by our Halloween spooktacular this week. Monday is the first post.
Oh my goodness! We gotted the book already! You are very fast with book wrapping Tom!
Luf, Us
Mom's on chapter 8 now Tom.
It's wonderful. We are a Catholic family and the Catholic humor you inject is absolutely wonderful!!!!
Wow congrats to you and Julie on the book! The cover looks fantastic! How exciting! Did you find some nip in there after all? I bet you had a great time with the boxes too. Great 'tocks at 3 o'clock! PS:
I had planned to say something in a post today, but it's Wordless Wednesday and I have to keep my mouth shut. Fat chance!
Anyhow, thanks again for your nice comments. I'm sorry, but they didn't ship the nip. I'll have to raise he** with somebody on that. I'm hoping for a post tomorrow--thankful Thursday. It certainly will be most appropriate.
All for now!
How practical you are, Tom. They should have packed the nip first!
Love the cover. We'd like to read it but Jan has us on a no nonessentials if you want to eat budget and we all like to eat. So we'll congratulate you and read the other bloggers' reviews as they do them. How exciting for you.
I had the good fortune of receiving my book yesterday...and even better fortune of having today off from work. I spent an enjoyable afternoon reading your book...A great read! Thank you!
Jan and everybody..if you go to Kindle, they have a "Look Inside" for my book which gets you a few free chapters to read. I invite you to take advantage of that and if Santa brings you a Kindle or Nook for Christmas, then you'll have the book that way. If you like the feel of the physical book, of course, then that's different.
Read it any way you can, borrow it, ask your parish priest for it (just kidding) but enjoy it, and spread the word. If you can, write a review for us :) Julie says...I wrote the book for pure enjoyment and to be enjoyed. It's kinda like my aunt who was a great cook. She would spend hours and hours of preparation for each meal her entire life just to make people happy. I can't cook that well, but I'm good at mixing up words, or at least I hope so.
(Tom, this turned into an almost post!)
Tom & Julie
wow, that's fantastic....:)
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