Gather 'round now and let us sing a sea shanty to get us in the mood for plunderin'! ::burp::
We have ter stop confusin'
The whales fer lands we sea
The rounded humps way up ahead
Are not what they 'pear to be
And we have ter stop the old blind man
From his crow's nest post, ye see
Fer he's furrever 'lertin' everyone
To things that cannot be.
We fly the flag so proudly
Our black hearts wild and free
Wind through coats, salty air afloat
Sailing the waves, we be!
Wait--let me unscrew me peg leg for another little nip all around before we sing again..
Oooooohhhh.. we have ter stop confusin'...
What a great pirate song Tom - it's got a very catchy tune - do you mind if we join in - oh you've got enough singers already (Lucy whispers to Hannah - no-one seems to like our singing and I can't think why!!!)
Oh well in that case make ours a double grog each please.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Great song.. Happy pirates day.. Hugs GJ xx
That is such a terrific poem or song Tom. What a fun time we are all having with this pirate day. Lots of songs, grogs and tons of booty. Take care.
You are one fancy pirate Tom! Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day! Watch out for that poop deck!!!
Happy Pirate's Day, mate!
Your pal,Pip
That be a fine drinking song, Tom! Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day, Matey!
We need the music to go with the lyrics! :) Got some nip to share? xx
You make a pawsome pirate! We'll join in on the second go round....
Great patch!! you make a wonderful pirate.
Arrrr !!!!What a great song fer Shipmate while sail in th' se'en sea.
Great Post ! Let`s chill ou' wi' Nip Rum. Hooray !
Happy Meow Like Pirate Day
'Tis a fine pirate song ye be singin', Father Tom!! Now fetch us a bottle o' catnip rum!! Arrrrrr!!!
This was such a fun day! I'll be swingin' round again a little later to see how everyone is farin'!
Just call me a pirate with a soft heart :)
Love your eye patch!
That be a mighty fine sea shanty thar, Cap'n Tom! And how clever are ye t'store yer grog in yer wooden leg?
Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Ahoy, mate. Permission to come aboard and share some grog.
Avast Matey! Can we share grog and songs with you?
Ahoy Mateys!
Ahoy Tom! That be a great pirate song ye gots there! This is bein' a truly fun day all over the CB sea!
Ahoy matey! Love the song, what tune should it be sung to? Like your eye patch too.
You and Dante make a great pair of pirately Maine Coons! You've got your patch on your left eye, and Dante has his on the right. Looks like between you, you've got it all covered.
Ahoy your song sounds great! And you look like a very cool pirate, Tom :-)
Great song, ::burp::, let start again! I like the nip bit, ::burp::!!!
You look like a fearsome pirate in that picture, Tom!
Thanks for visiting our blog. We hope to see you again!
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