"The Raven" was published on January 29, 1845 and a phenomenon began regarding the famous poet Edgar Allan Poe. He never had a cat that we know of, but we do know that "Nevermore" was the name of a black cat owned by somebody-or-other, we can't remember who.
I am a cat, not a journalist. Please. I do have another bit of information about the poem, though. Poe published it anonymously and received the hefty sum of 15 bucks for it. Rumor has it that he eventually tamed the raven and taught it to quit repeating itself.
Since we're on the subject of birds and cats, we think it's curious how sometimes cat fur resembles feathers. Look at Angel Vinny's. We know he has wings now, but here it looks as if he has fevvers, too--complete with a sun halo to make each one glow.

Let's celebrate our famous bird day by taking a look in the mirror and admiring ourselves. Whether feather or fur, we are beautiful--furever more!
M says we are all Gods creatures, so we are all bootiful. VInny's fur in that pictures is like a feather.
Tom, you are so smart and always so very interesting. Yes, Vinny's fur DOES look like golden feathers. Of course, being a lady myself, I'd dance the dance of the 7 feathers and use my come-hither look. Have I ever told you what astoundingly beautiful eyes you have?
Sam is asleep now, so I can give out bigger nose kisses :D
I love that photo of Vinny and his furry feathers (or perhaps feathery fur!).
Tom, Like Lucy said Vinny's fur does look like beautiful golden feather. and then I look at myself fur...Gee !!!! It look like the crow feather..totally black !!!...Tom, Do I still look like a good boy ?
Yes, you do, my furriend!
We also love the picture of Vinny. That is so special. And that poem is great. Good post. Have a great Saturday.
Vinny was beautiful. A gorgeous baby with superb coloring.
Mom has often called my furs, feathers. Especially around my tail. ♥
I agree with the others, that is quite the picture of Vinny, very beautiful. Have a very nice weekend!
Our Thailing has feather fur too. Maybe that's why she's always perched on top of the cupboards! Vinny was a gorgeous kitty!
Hi Father Tom! Thank you for stopping by my blog today and leaving such a nice comment! It made my day! I hope you have a nice, relaxing Caturday!
Feather or fur, I like that! Angel Vinny looks very handsome.
Your pal, Pip
Sometimes we wish we had feathers so we could fly like the birdies!!
Why, Tom, you old flirt, you! Sam's sleeping so I can talk ;) You didn't know what the dance of the 7 fevvers was? Ask your mom about Salome and the Dance of the 7 Veils, oooooo, it was a goodie! I just figured I'd use fevvers instead of veils since fevvers tickle so nicely. Tom, Tom, you are one GREAT mancat. Whew. I may never sleep again ;) xoxoxo
Julie says..I remember now. Yes, Tom would like Lucy to use fevvers instead of veils! I don't know if I want to get in the middle of this, but I do know that Tom is really smitten. I've never seen him like this..
Interesting facts about Edgar Allan Poe! Our mom read The Raven years ago, and a really old movie was on TV the other day, but as usual, she got sidetracked and didn't pay any attention to it. And we agree about the fur looking like feathers sometimes. That is a positively beautiful photo of Mr. Vinny!
I love "The Raven." Thank you for sharing those interesting Poe facts, Tom!
We really love that picture of Angel Vinny. Such a handsome mancat!
Be well this Sunday, friends. :)
Doze glowing furs are pawsome! Dey remind Mom of her cat from before, Tiger. He had furs just like dat.
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