This very Saturday is a special day at Jenkinson's Aquarium in New Jersey. It's Penguin Awareness Day! There will be festivities, a feeding schedule posted, penguins to meet and greet, and a general euphoria over anything penguin.
I decided to have a Father Tom Awareness Day right here at Temptation Parish starting at 9 a.m. Everyone's invited (including penguins). A donation of $10 is suggested, although my cat and woofie furriends can get in with just a bag of treats or a nip toy.
All the fun will be broadcast live on radio station "scratchin' up the hits" WALC-FM featuring announcer/comedian--wait for it--Hullabaloo Harry and his Alley Cat Band. Jack mentioned they had a zither. Good going, Jack!

My feeding schedule is as follows:
There will be a mid-afternoon snooze-over for all my furriends.
I don't want to forget yummies for our special guests direct from Mary Lou's parish kitchen. Shown here are her famous shrimp hobby horses.

And, last but not least, there's Father Will who'll be down in the church basement. He knows he's got the blood pressure of every female pulsing over his baby blues, even if he is a priest. He'll be in the dunking booth with a big bag of stilettos right by the tank. A dollar a throw!

It should be fun! Hope you can make it!!
This sounds like the event of the season and I wish I could be there - especially to try those shrimp things - yummy!
You enjoy your day, my friend. And give Father Will a dunk for me!
Your pal, Pip
This is gonna be quite the soiree! Are there enough shrimps for 13 more kitties?
Sounds like a 'fun'tastic event!
Sounds like a great party, Father Tom! We don't have any munnies, but we can bring Temptations and toy mousies - will that be ok? :)
We can bring treats and nip and toys, will that be okay? Sounds like a pawsome party!
Real live dead shrimps - we'll be right over - we'll bring some temptations (the cat biscuit sort not the naughty human sort of temptation)
and hope they don't make your parishoners stray from the straight and narrow. We'll try behave like demure young ladies too.
Mom used to go to Jenkinson's beach all the time when she lived in NJ!
Those shrimps look nommy!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
That sounds so cool, and such a great idea!!!
You can bet I'll be there. How can I possibly miss a pawty like dat.
A Father Tom Day! What a great idea! You know Father Tom, Sam and I have been seeing you about for some time and we really, REALLY like you. Our BFF, Admiral Hestrob's page was the first place we ever saw you and then the Admiral talked us into having a page of our own. Whew, it's hard 'cause our mom has another of her own. But the thing is, we found you and want to always keep up with you. I myself am very drawn to your insightful thoughts and your man-cat gorgeousness, and Sam says you're just the kind of guy he likes to hang out with -- you know...the kind that is grounded but has that devil in him, too. Opps, I'm on church ground, sorry. We're going to follow, ok? We LOVE it over here :D
Nose kisses and head bonks to you.
Oh, myyyyy! You came to SEE us! We are so flattered and we thank you with all of our paws in the air waving to you. Blessings, Father Tom...and a big smooch on the nose, too ;)
Tom, this is for YOUR mom from OUR mom, JennyD. She's the one typing now.
Julie, I can't tell you how much I've been enjoying your entire site today. I have had more fun here with your Tom and your recipes and wow, all of it. The book! I'm going crazy. Is it finished and published somewhere? If not finished, are you going to publish when it is? I am dying to know and can guarantee you that I'll be first in line. You are amazing and completely original -- no small feat these days :D Thanks so much for such a great site.
JennyD in Virginia
Jenny, Lucy, Sam and all our furriends:
I'm so glad you like the website, my blog and that wonderful place I call Temptation Parish. I just want to say that sometimes a comment will prompt an opportunity (kick in the butt) to bring everyone up-to-date on what's happening.
Please keep an eye out as Julie should be setting up her blog (aka newsletter) very soon and with it, a regular account of how things are going with regard to the book.
You see that I don't post every day because I don't want to disappoint. It's that simple. Once a week, I know I can do, I don't care if I'm on Mars. I will continue to post even after the book is published.
Just as an aside, you will never, ever find a more supportive group of folks than in the CB, ever. I am humbled by their outpouring of love and kindness. I get teary just thinking about it.
Be on the lookout for Julie's blog!
Tom & Julie
Heck YES!!! I am SOOOO there!!! Yes yes yes!!!
We are on our way over! Save some shrimp for us!!
Wow that sounds good ! My cats can't wait to throw stilettos at Father Will ! what a blast !
Oh my those shrimp look so yummy. We are on our way and bringing lots of temptations and some toys too. WhoooHoooo a party. We can hardly wait. Hope you have a great Sunday.
Heyyyy, Tom! We saw your news you left for us and we are more excited than when we get new toys! We WILL be on the lookout. Mom is pestering me saying not to forget. (Ok, Mom, I'm telling Tom and I'm tellin' Julie for you, for pete's sake.) Mom says hot diggity (what does that ever mean?)
Well, we just wanted to make sure and come over here on this lovely Sunday and say Hi and that we are SO glad you are our friend :D
Mega nose kisses and head bonks sent your way.
he he- sounds like a great time. I'm taking the first teleport available dat can get me there FAST!
I was trying to find your Mancat Monday post but blogger said it doesn't exist...drat!
I thought I was going to your Monday post, but I got the Friday post instead. Looks like I missed a great party.
Sounds like a great time! Have fun, my friend.
Brad Fallon
Sorry, everybody, but the photo I had would not biggify at all and it was so tiny that I thought I would take it off my post until I could figure out what to do! I oopsied further when I saw the post already listed.
Wow, that sounds like it was quite the shindig! We'll come back later to see if your Monday post is up...
I'm sorry I missed your meet and greet. TW was off-line most of the weekend. I hope you don't stop publishing your blog. I look forward to it every week.
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