Hi, everybody and all the ships at sea!
That first line has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm posting here today,
but I thought it had a nice ring to it.
I'll get right to the subject of our conversation. A certain feathered creature is driving me nuts. I won't show the hellish nuisance here, because that's just what that attention-seeking, loud, tree-perching son of a buzzard wants.
I'm sure you get the idea when I show you what he looks like:
Yes, a C-R-O-W..a Cat Razzing Overly Wicked bird.
Whoever drew him tried to sweeten it all up with flowers and a key, but let me tell you - crows don't keep their beaks closed long enough to hold anything! They squawk and squawk up in my trees and all my menacing looks just don't work! I'm at my wit's end!
If any of you have any suggestions on how to deal with them, let me know. The housekeeper will occasionally throw out some old bread and that has to stop! But, I don't think that's it. Maybe they have something to say to me? Bird is not a second language for me, unfortunately.
Trying to stay unflappable,
Some birds can be so annoying!
Seriouslies, Tom? She throws out snacks, and then you wonder why he's torturing you so? She has got to STOP that activity, and pronto. Tell her that you mean business, Tom.
dood....seer ee iz lee; thiz iz yur blog sew we canna go ona tie raid... bout de bass terd... but if ya think swear N cuzz... it will give ewe a good eye dea ~~~~~~~~~~
Maybe they migrate? Hopefully they migrate - poor Tom!
Feeding it is a bad idea I think. We have some here too but they get nought from us!
Invite him in for dinner!
Those crows are maddening. We have one that sits on the pylon out in the field. He doesn't crow or squawk but makes a noise like a phone ringing. He sits right at the top so he can be heard for miles around. He goes on for hours sometimes.
Birdies do seem to be extra loud this year!
Send them to us, Tom! We love crows here, and all their talking!
I have 2 words for you, Tom. Shot. Gun.
The crows near us had the nerve to squawk at us while we picked our blueberries. They seemed to think we were stealing their food.
You cant be FEEDING those rats of the air, Sheesh
and remember Tom, they are totally the smartest bird out there and have memories that won't quit. AD they know just like Santa when you've been bad to them and when you've been good to them. Seriously. Just go out and kill them where they sleep, Take the Trouttowne Tabbies with you. The Codfather.
Those crows are talkers, for sure!
They can be quite loud and annoying! But the real problem seems to be your housekeeper feeding them lol :-)
For the love of cats, don't feed the sky rats!
Short of cutting down all the tall trees where the crows roost, you could try the Crow Be Gone CD. Apparently it has good success.
http://www.crowbegone.com/ read about it here https://pestkill.org/birds/crows/
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