A teensy, tiny smidge of a kitty named Mittens has invaded the rectory. Can you believe it? I am now a father figure (no pun intended) to my new little brother three months old!
He is so cute. I hope people don't think he's cuter than I am. Okay, so it's a close call. Here's another pic of cuteness in the extreme.
Okay, okay. That's enough. I can do cute, too, buster!
I think everything is going to be just fine. Julie says there hasn't been a kitten in the house for more than fifteen years. (She's always taking pity on us older cats) Mittens came from a shelter all full of p#** and vinegar. I have to hang onto the wall when he darts in and out of the rooms like a little rocket.
I can't wait to teach him altar tricks and sanctuary etiquette--oh, and then there's introducing him to nip, basketfuls of clean clothes and cat box editorials.
Hey, Mitty, where are you?? Hey, little buddy!
Mittens is such a sweet kitty and of course Lucy loves him as he is a tabby too!! The picture of Mittens looking up made Mum squee!!
Our poor ears ha!!ha!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Oh Mittens is so darn cute. You will make an excellent father cat Tom. I bet you will enjoy that kitten. We are so glad that you rescued him. That is very exciting. Take care. Have a super week end.
he is cute! and you are handsome! why don't you two teleport ofur to our house for a nap pile!
This is wonderful! Welcome, Mittens! What a cutie you are! We'll look forward to all your exciting adventures--Father Tom will keep you in line, though, we're sure. Okay, maybe. Haha.
Such a cutie pie and Mittens will learn a lot from you!!!
OMC! He is cute and adorable! But so are you! xx
OMC! A baby brother! You will have sooooo much fun with him! Concats!
He is pretty cute. We have no doubt you will have him in shape in no time - you will be a great big brother. As for the running around, we suggest heading to high ground. :)
Well, Tom...you're gonna have to make sure you keep the little one in line. Though, when they are that cute, it's hard to say no. Congratulations on the new addition to the rectory.
Oh my goodness, he is adorable!! Have fun showing him the ropes! You are going to be a great big brother!
Your pal, Pip
OMD, you are soo darn cute!
oh you are going to have your paws full.. i hope you still have time to blog ;)
Oh Tom! Me knows what yous will be going through! If yous needs a shoulder to cry on, you can come and talk to me. Life has just not been the same since Kozmo invaded my life.
Tom, you lucky Cat, you! Kittens are so much fun! I myself was fortunate enough to be the Manny (ManCat+Nanny) to CC and Scouty and it was a wonderful time. Mittens is adorable and I think those BIG ears need a washing...
Yr Pal, Johnny
Mittens sure is cute, Tom. And he sure is lucky to be able to learn the ropes from a wise (and handsome) mancat like you. Hugs to you, Julie and Mitty!
Awwww...Mittens is squee-dorably cute! But he's cute in a baby kitteh kinda way. You're cute in a more grown-up mancat kinda way.
Mittens is awfully lucky that you're his father figure, Tom! He sure has a lot to learn.
Wiggles & Wags,
There is no one 'cuter' than you, but Mitt is a close second.
Oh, a kitten!!!!!! What a cutie he is!
Hi, Mittens! Look forward to seeing you growing up under the wise guidance of Tom
OMC He'z so Adorable!!!!
You still are da Bestest looking Mancat in town,,,, No Doubt about da!Da girlz certainly think so :)))
And you are going to be da best Father/Big Brother to Mittens ^..^
Congratulations to you Mom Julie , How Wonderful :)
Purrz & Hugz to you both ~
Looks like you've got stiff competition (regarding cute)! But the old chinese saying goes like this "old ginger is still hotter!" so take comfort, my friend....:)
Oh what a tiny cutie! Congrats on being a Father Tom!!!! Hehee
Dear Cod what a little cutie!
Squeeeeee! Nothing like a kitten to liven things up.
Hi. We came over here from Marg's blog. Your book sounds very interesting. Little Mittens is SO cute, but I can identify with you better, Father Tom. I am very floofy and appear larger than my body really is underneath it all.
Tom, this is truely gracious of you and Julie to open your home to a little one in need. And what a little one he is! Mittens is gorgeous (can't you hear our ape squeeing?) We feel sure that you will make a most excellent steward of this young lad and bring him up the right way, showing him all the finest church fabrics on which to maintain his young claws ;)
Oliver & Gerry
Congratulations on your little brother Tom! It would be impossible to choose one of you as cuter! Will you train Mitty to solve mysteries with you?
Make sure if he puts the bitey on you, to put the bitey on him back. They have to learn sometime that the bitey is ok, just not TOO hard.
Hi there! Do you ever get to sing in the church choir? :)
Mittens is adorable - from this safe distance. I think you will make a great big brother.
Love and licks, Winnie
Thanks to everyone for their great comments.
Mmmmrrrowww! This church mancat is very proud!
the mitten look pwetty :)
thx for stopping by our home
BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family
Welcome Mittens! Oh Tom, that is excellent that you have a friend and protege! You both are extremely cute!
We're so grateful we took a moment to scroll down to an older post or we would have missed Mittens! Oh my cuteness, we hope Tom takes to his new bud. We went through the same thing last year and it was the best decision ever. Enjoy your cutie. They grow up too fast.
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