I don't think the walrus had in mind what I'm about to tell you. First, I want to say that being a cat of the cloth means I can talk to anybody about anything, and they can talk to me.
The other day, I was sleeping, minding my own business
when along came this tiny winged creature who wanted to talk
and talk, and talk, and talk, naturally of many things. There wasn't even a confession in there to keep my interest.
Oh, my Cod, I was losing my patience.
But, I listened and I listened.
I wasn't even able to get a word in edgewise.
Finally, I'd had enough.
I didn't mean to, honestly, and this has been weighing on my conscience ever since. What do you think I saw when I removed my paw?
He was still there.
Talking..and talking..(hehe) Although, he might have pawsed for a moment.
I'm glad he was OK.
Love and licks, Winnie
MOL Tom. Glad you didn't kill that crazy talking fly. They do talk a lot. Tom could you please tell Julia that I am about half way through the book and it is really a good read. Love the funny parts. Hope all of you have a wonderful week end.
Oh dear didn't you press hard enough to deaded it - what a shame cos the make quite a tasty snack.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
He was still there because you are such a kind kitty.
You're a patient kitty to put up with all of that talking. We would have smoooshed him right away.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Ships and shoes and sealing wax get boring after a while, as do cabbages and kings!
your snacks talk to you? wow, that's unique!
Great story Tom, like the walrus, did yous eat him?
That one was lucky - those things get too annoying around here and I eat 'em.
Wow we are very impressed you didn't eat it. We has to CONFESS we would have.
If he was still talking after that, Tom, we're impressed.
We'd have dedded him and left his corpse for the mom to pick up. Then I suppose we'd have to confess to you. :-P
Wonderful story, glad to hear he's okay :)
Well Tom, time does fly when you are having fun!
Hahaha! You didn't eat him?? It would serve the bugger right for talking your ear off!!
We didn't realize flies were so talkative! We never give them a chance to talk...if you know what we mean! ;)
how punny!
LOL! I'm sorry you had to listen to him talking and talking and talking!
If one of my boys were there, he would have eaten the little guy to shut him up :-)
He deserved that whappin. Shoulda eated him. Prolly tasted like chick-hen. A kitteh of the cloth still gotta eat!
It's getting so not even a cat can get a good nap in anymore.
Thanks for coming over to comment on our blog Tom & Julie.
By coincidence mom read your book on her kindle on the drive there & back.
She hasn't been able to do much reading lately so she's only a little over 1/2 way now. She just snuggled into the back seat and is at the part where the mysterious stranger came into the sacristy when Fr. Will thought he was late for Mass.
Buddy Bear says: "Me'n da gurls 'n boys don has no patiences wif da talky lil critters. So we can unnerstanz da whap you whooped on him. Stills, you missed him? Does you hads your glasses checked latelies old Frien?"
Hahaha! Lots of times the mom would like to smack people who ramble on & on & on &.... Thanks for doing it for me!
Tom, 'pawsed for a moment" is so clever. LOL I know you're devoted to your vocation but I think you could have any pretty girl kitty at MEOW.
You are just so kind,Wish you and Julie bloged more offten,Love your blog.Thanks for all you do do.
MOL.... ^..^ Dey sure do alotta buzzin about..... you must have da patientz of a Saint....
you know what woulda happened to him here ???..... da mom would have gotten to him before us! we not allowed fliez efer! ^..^ da mom sayz dey dirty :(
We are glad he was okay, Tom. Don't tell anyone, but Moosey EATS flies once he catches them. :D
Hugs to you and Julie!
Heheheeeeee, even cat of the cloth gets impatient, so SS can't berate me for putting my paws on the crawlies.
Thanks for coming by to visit.
It always astounds our apes how we cats can bring down our mighty paws on such a tiny creature like a fly, yet not damage it. Watch and learn apes!
Gerry & Oliver
Oh Tom, my Human says you are ADORABLE! And I thinks you have awesome patience!
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