Notes from a parish cat and his author Julie Mackenzie

My photo
I am Father Tom Fish, esteemed member of the religious team at Temptation of Christ Parish in the novels by author Julie Mackenzie. As to my background, I was invited into the rectory as a stray, laid on the charm, and was invited to stay, even honorarily ordained and no less spiritual than my sidekick Father Will. He dotes on me to high heaven and forgives all of my street cat proclivities, whatever the hell that means.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Power of Paws

The paw speaks!

Would you believe this is how the decision is made for the next book to be read? No, really! I pick out a book from a pile and "point" with all of my toes. And, what you see here is one paw, too, a paw of polydactyl perfection! I'm told Ernest Hemingway's cats had mucho many toes on each front foot, too, and not a tap dancer among them! Anyhow, all seriousness aside, any cats with multiple toesies are called Hemingway cats as another name for us.

I have more than my share of toes on each paw, but only in front. They help me on a keyboard and make me almost human when someone shakes my hand. (Do you know how hard it was to get this shot? I was in no mood, post or no post!!)
I have a couple of claws that grow in between the toes, too. They have to be clipped and I only let the vet people do it. They cuddle and coo the whole time which I love!

On another note..

I wish I could shake the hand/paws of our Secret Paws friends in Prague, Czech Republic. Their package finally arrived just in time for Valentine's Day after many, many weeks enroute to America!

We couldn't be more pleased with everything! Thank you so much for your handmade toys and yummy treats and brand-new collar for Julie's dog, Trapper, the golden retriever. He's very happy, too! Thank you, Tiny, Lautrec and Ellwood!


Deb said...

Yes, I know all about the many-toed kitties. I have had a few in my day. One of my cats, Tina has 7 & 6. Looked like snowshoes. Boy, you really lucked out with all the treats and toys. Very special gift, I'm sure. I wish I could shake your perfect little paw....Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

The Daily Pip said...

Wow, you have super cool toesies! A friend of mine visited the Hemingway estate in Florida where multi-generations of cats still live - many with toesies just like yours!

Your pal, PIp

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those extra toes help with lots of things I'm sure! That is a nice bunch of goodies you got fur sure. Enjoy your weekend please!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We know our mum would love to hold your paws with the extra toes - she has a "thing" about kitty feet!!

meowmeowmans said...

We love your extra toesies, Tom! They are very cool!

It sure was nice of Tiny, Lautrec and Ellwood to send you and Trapper such thoughtful presents. :)

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, we almost forgot! We gave you guys an award! Please stop by our blog to pick it up when you have a chance. :)

Annie Bear said...


We know Tiny, Lautrec and the Wood too! What a nice package you received from them!

What neat toesies you have!

Catio Tales said...

Your paws are fascinating!

We sent our Secret Paws package to Tiny, Lautrec and The Wood and it arrived two months ago. We think that the world postal service is really weird and strange that it takes so long to some places and not others. My card to the wonderful MAggie May took over 3 weeks...
But it is great it arrived finally, and in time for Valentine's Day!

Marg said...

That is so great to have all those extra toes. Sure makes it easier to pick out that book to read.
What great toys and treats your friends sent to you. Bet that was fun playing with the toys and eating the treats.
We had heard somewhere else that those extra toes are sometimes called Hemingway toes.
Hope you have a super fun week end Tom

Mariodacat said...

I bet extra toses come in handy for hitting more keys at once on the puter too. I never knew there were kitties with more den 5 toses until we got on Twitter and talked to a few. I think it's pretty special.

Luscious Lucy said...

pssst...PSSSTTTT....TOM! I made you something :)
but you're not supposed to see it until February 14th, but you know the old saying about curiosity, so I don't mind if you look at it early. I got to make this all by myself for you but the only thing was, well, the 2 things were, the girl cat barely looks like me at all, and the mancat isn't even close to as handsome as YOU are -- but you'll get the idea ;)
Ahhh, Tom, Tom, Tom. Go here:

Nose licks and headbonks from me to you :D

Luscious Lucy said...

(If that link isn't right, go to this one:
Mom said it is SO strange that the link sent to US is different than the link they said to tell YOU....humans are very strange)


Beautiful pawsies!
Happy Caturday.


Summer at said...

I had no idea you were a Cat of Many Toes! I always say that when we cats let the humans know we have taken over the world (because we HAVE taken it over and the humans just don't know it yet), it will be the polydactyls who lead the announcement!

Sweet Purrfections said...

What interesting toesies you have!

I am so glad to hear that your Secret Paws package arrived. It makes Valentines Day a little extra special.

The Island Cats said...

Father Tom, I didn't realize you are a poly like me!! In fact, I'm name after Ernest Hemmingway!!


the teacher's pets said...

I know all about Ernest Hemingway's cats and that is the only reason why I want to go to Key West (sorry Ernest)! I love double pawed cats very much because their paws look like mittens so of course I love you too!
Thanks for visiting and following my blog! I am your newest follower and I am so glad you found me because your blog posts have already kept me reading for the past 15 minutes or so (which is a good thing b/c I have the attention span of a ..... hmmmm ..... cat!

The Florida Furkids said...

Extra toes make paws extra special!!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Ingrid said...

Not everybody has extra toesies !

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Father TOM! I lurrrrve those toesies. May we hold paws sometime please?

Luscious Lucy said...

My Dearest Tom, I put my paw to the computer because something was telling my Mom that the links were bad. I tried them both and get nothing. It makes no sense at all, so I will tell you about the card the best I can. It shows me making a love potion with tubes and bottles and hearts and steam. Then it shows you and me at our own private table at the Bistro and toasting each other with hearts and love in our eyes. And then came my letter which said (and I quote):

Oh, my dearest Tom (purrrrrr), I received your heartfelt
invitation to be your valentine. My heart was all aflutter, because even though you're a tom, I knew that being the church tom that you are, you'd be faithful and true on this Valentine's Day. As flirty as I am, my heart will belong to only you on this day.
To show my love, I have reserved a very private table at the Cat's Corner Bistro. They have been instructed to serve only the finest seafuds and the finest of kibble. Our salads will be made of catnip greens with sliced mouse sauteed in creamery butter -- isn't it all making you drool? And you should hear about the dessert, too! Guess what it is....come on, guess, my handsome Tom. Why it's ME! They are providing the squishiest and softest of feather beds for us, birdies twittering in the background, and even a human will be at our mew and call if we should want a relaxing brushing; of course the human will be blindfolded because they really aren't allowed in the quarters, but we have no choice since we have no thumbs.
And so we will be able to lounge the night away in luxurious surroundings, all in the name of Valentine's Day love.
I am sending you a Pre-Valentine's nose lick XXX, my Tom.
Now take a taste of that lovely potion I mixed up just for you.
From your lovin' Valentine, Lucy

JennyD said...

This is Lucy's Mom. She never knows when to leave things alone. I am so sorry that she took up so much room. You are more than welcome to delete her long, long letter. I am having a talk with her.

Lucky said...

Hi Tom, nice to meet you! Sounds like you have a very interesting life... and you do have cool toesies for sure! What a nice gift you got from your friend! Very nice loot! Happy Valentines from all of us!
Happy Cat Family