It's your fabulous eyes
That cannot disguise
Your feelings I'm sure
Aren't a whim.
Oh, Lucy so luscious
Your face is so precious
It fills my old heart to the brim.
There's a song in my ticker
Love more than a flicker
Let the angels break out
In a chorus
So loudly to start
Robustly impart
My desire for
A sweet Valentine's for us!
Happy Valentine's Day, Lucy!
Julie says--
This has always been one of my favorite holidays. Not because I always had a Valentine, but because of the sweetness of the day, a time when everyone smiles with their hearts, and we look for brighter tomorrows!
Valentine wishes go out to everyone in the CB from me, too!
Happy Valentines Day. That is a very lovely poem.
Happy Valentine's Day! Beautiful poem!
Your pal, Pip
Happy Valentine's Day to you too! That sure was a sweet poem!
I have officially fainted dead away!
What girl cat could be luckier than I? Why, my sweet Tom with the dreamy pools for eyes, I am filled with joy and love for you. Will you be my Valentine for all the Valentine's Days? You are just the most wonderful and romantic man cat in the world...sighhhh...and I'm in Heaven. Here, take the rose from my lips and hold it to your heart :) as I am holding your poem to mine.
Happy Valentines Day to you - you are a such romantic mancat.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Happy Valentine's Day to you! We're wishing you and Julie a wonderful day!
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Happy Valentine's Day! We think love is in the air...ooh la la!
Happy Valentinez Day ~
What a Lovely Poem......
A very happy Valentine Day!
Purrs! Happy Valentine's Day =^_^=
Happy Valentine's Day!! ♥♥♥
Happy Valentine's Day!! ♥♥♥
very nice post.
yes, it is the little things on this day and throughout , those gestures of the heart : }
happy V day!!
SO romantic ! Happy Valentine's Day!! :)
Lovely poem, Tom! Happy Valentine's Day to you and Julie!
Whew! What a day! I didn't know whether to reach for the oxygen or the holy water!
Thanks to all of you for your valentine wishes and cheering on this rather lovesick feline on his journey. Love does make the world go 'round!
My poor mom is convulsed. What does that mean anyhow? Well, that's what she says she is and for some reason there are tears actually running down her cheeks! Wait, I hear this weird, laughie sound coming from her belly --- ohhhhhh, so THAT'S what a belly laugh is! She says it was the line,"I didn't know whether to reach for the oxygen or the holy water!"
As for me, the luscious one that melts when she looks into your eyes, well, Tom, my dearest love, we may just have to schedule an extended vacation together in the Catnip Islands. I hear it's legal there ;) *oh, paw to mouth! I am so wicked!* It's all you, Tom, all you.
I am just SO sorry. Lucy is beyond humiliating. I need to send her to charm school to learn some manners. Just give her a little paw whack, Tom, and you can get her back in line. Sheesh.
I'm late getting this return reply posted. Thanks, Tom, for the visit to our humble abode at Buddy's Place. The Small one and I (the Big One) do most definitely like the verse. Well written my little friend.
We are liking what we see and will be back again and again.
Y'all come when you can.
Buddy Bear, MikiCato, Tegar, Rowdy, Smokey and Lady Princess (aka Spooky)
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