Hi Monday kittyfurriends!
The time is here to come up with something to post and all I can think of is the Christmas buying rush which I'm glad the housekeeper isn't really a part of. She says she started her purchases in August. I've seen mysterious packages lying around and I'm assuming (I hope rightly so) that they are ours!
Meanwhile, I've been looking around the old photos of Christmases past and have to admit, we have quite the collection to choose from - old postcards sent, me in my top hat, and all the wonderful sights and sounds we've captured during the holidays over the years.
We love angels and this little statue captures our fondness for our own angel Vinny Blackwhisker.
No stripes though. Just a soft golden color which kinda made him an angel long before he left us.
The holidays always bring up memories. Please share yours with us!