Notes from a parish cat and his author Julie Mackenzie

My photo
I am Father Tom Fish, esteemed member of the religious team at Temptation of Christ Parish in the novels by author Julie Mackenzie. As to my background, I was invited into the rectory as a stray, laid on the charm, and was invited to stay, even honorarily ordained and no less spiritual than my sidekick Father Will. He dotes on me to high heaven and forgives all of my street cat proclivities, whatever the hell that means.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Monday Morning Calm

 Hi, friends!

Around here we always get ready for the week on Sunday nights. The housekeeper says it's a carryover from days where she had to go elsewhere to work. I've kind of gotten into the habit, too. I think ahead, but really can't come up with that much since the weather pretty much tells me whether there'll be sun puddles, snow drifting down, or rain. I'm just a lazy boy without the lay-z-boy! I take each day as it comes and have gotten pretty good at reading Bridget, whether she's in a good mood or not.

So, instead of a bunch of photos, just wanted to share one - the bears and me, enjoying the peace of a morning, the calm of a new day, and contentment in anticipating the week ahead.

The same is wished for you all, too.

I'll leave you with these Monday musings.



Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a very nice and relaxing photo, Tom. That is a nice sunbeam shining in on you too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You look very calm and ready for about anything!

My Mind's Eye said...

Tom...oh what a handsome photo of you and your Bears. OMCs the sun has added another dimension to your beautiful furs. What a great capture
Hugs Cecilia

Catscue said...

Awww, that is a beautiful photo Tom. Getting ready for a new week is something we do on Sunday's too, have a wonderful week Tom, Bridget and the housekeeper!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Looks like the beginning of a great day.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...thiz fotoz total lee rockin awesum !!! :) ♥♥ happee week two ewe all az well ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Eastside Cats said...

Sunshine soothes the soul, in Wintertime!

Ivan from WMD said...

We have our Sunday night rituals too, although we're all pretty much like you, Tom!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That's such a beautiful, calming photo!

Timmy Tomcat said...

A relaxing group Tom. How do you keep that s-lounger in shape? Miss Fitz rips ours up after 2 weeks

Furries said...

That's a beautiful photo. Both you and the bears look like you're ready for the week.

catladymac said...


meowmeowmans said...

What a lovely, contemplative and peaceful photo of you, Tom.

Smudge said...

Ahhh, what a peaceful photo this is. This is absolutely purrfect!