Hi, gang!
The housekeeper had to paint today so i had absolutely no help with my blog, so I was stuck. It wasn't until now, the end of the day that we - and I use that term loosely - are getting it done.
I - maybe I did put her off with this subject - am nocturnal. That doesn't mean I'm adept at composing classical music like a nocturne or anything like that. It means I roam around and get into stuff when everybody's asleep.
I have free reign with nobody to stop me, tell me to get off the counters, off the top of the armoire, finish my food, and it's quiet except for night sounds. Yep, nighttime is a whole 'nother world. I catch glimpses from the window of animals I don't see around during the day. As long as I don't see two-legged ones looking back at me!
I am totally aware of everything around me. I don't miss a thing, day or night.
Want to fill me in on what goes on at your house when everyone's asleep?
Through a house darkly,
Tom, our Angel will meow and meow and meow at night, if she knows a human is awake! And The Hubby gets up and down a lot at night, so it's his job to snuggle with her and soothe her feline nerves so she'll knock it off!
Most of my cats have adjusted to sleeping at night when we do. Emmy likes a snack around 2:30 am though and meows until I comply.
Would you believe for the most part Mudpie sleeps during the night? She'll get up for a snack, potty break, to look out the window, but she spends most of the night in bed with her Mommy.
It’s been pretty much a party once the peeps go to sleep. It didn’t used to be that way but Simon and Seal keep us busy!
But if we told you, our mom might see it!
I'm usually right next to TW listening to her snoring. She's nocturnal too—does that mean she smells?—and doesn't get to bed until the wee hours.
Night time is when you have total freedom to do whatever you want. That's when all the real action occurs. That's why we sleep all day!
There's never a time when everyone is asleep. Da women are all nite owls and grandpa is an early bird, so someone's always up.
That would be very scary to have a two legged looking back at you in the middle of the night.
dood....one thingz for sure ya sure due knot wanna see de food gurl heer in de land oh trout....a sleep....we strolled inta her room thinkin ta pounce on her N yell WAKE UP ITZ 3:28 AM ...then we saw her ....now THAT waz creepy.....
My kitties like to remind my husband that they are watching him at night. Every morning at about 4AM, Dexter will lick my husband's face until he wakes up and gives him a good petting.
It sure is fun to see animals that don't appear during the day! I think my boys sleep mostly during night time. But sometimes they wake me up very, very early in the morning :-)
Ava and Gracie generally keep the same hours as us, which is nice. Moosey and Graphite both used to do one last patrol before bedtime.
I sleep with Mommy after disturbing her getting off and on the bed maybe 4 times before settling. And announcing EVERY single one of my babies I bring in. LOUDLY. Mom's sleep or dozing is disturbed multiple times for a good hour according to her Fitbit sleep function. Then, I settle and stay all night unless I have to go to the box or do a quick patrol.
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