This is an embarrassing story to tell, but tell it I must.
One day, while she was sifting through my catbox leavings, Will rather thoughtlessly and I think to be funny, pointed out that they looked like nonpareils, lightly dusted with the colored granules of litter. At first, Mary Lou didn't know what he meant. He, being the verbal klutz that he is, felt obligated to explain. She was horrified and got so unbelievably mad. Of course, I heard all about it from Will when he couldn't sleep because he felt so terrible about what he said.
She's not thrilled to have to clean up after me anyhow, but to have my haphazard, half-buried deposits tastelessly referred to as looking like her favorite candy was too much. She refused to speak to Will for the longest time and only opened up after one of the Temptation Nine meetings when the subject was foot-in-mouth incidents and he took the opportunity to confess (now there's a switch).
I was there and saw it all. It was like a wave, all heads turned toward Mary Lou who stumbled all over herself, saying how sorry she was for over-reacting. They hugged and then Will gave her a box of homemade nonpariels the size of silver dollars which made her cry.
I can help but wonder, what would she do for a Klondike Bar?
Brian, if this cat had seams, that comment would have busted them wide open!!
Oh boy! Our Mommy says our "deposits" remind het of fried shrimps. We say Mommy is strange...
Oh those are our favorite chocolates also! We buy a few bags of homemade ones in a little German town of Leavenworth Washington at Christmas time....they are very special, and yummy.
We loved your story too...it was funny but I am sure you were mad as a hatter when it happened!
Love Miss Peach
We're laughing at the story and at the comments! Too funny!
We feel that since humans invented litterboxes, they should have to deal with the consequences - especially since we are nice enough to use them.
What a story. Jan isn't too happy about the comparison either but since she doesn't share her candy with us, we think it serves her right.
Er, what were the homemade nonpariels the size of silver dollars made of. He didn't scoop them out of your box, did he?
Now that's my type of Blog post, hee, hee! ;-D
Thanks for coming by my palce this afternoon.
Hope you saw the link to part 2, and then part 3, of the search for KC's Roots! ;-D
Nikita Cat
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