Notes from a parish cat and his author Julie Mackenzie

My photo
I am Father Tom Fish, esteemed member of the religious team at Temptation of Christ Parish in the novels by author Julie Mackenzie. As to my background, I was invited into the rectory as a stray, laid on the charm, and was invited to stay, even honorarily ordained and no less spiritual than my sidekick Father Will. He dotes on me to high heaven and forgives all of my street cat proclivities, whatever the hell that means.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Culpa Cabana

Hello, friends--

Since this is Lent and everything, I'm adding a new feature to my blog. You are invited in so you can enjoy the delight of sitting in judgment and I get my public humiliation in lieu of penance prayers out of the way at the same time.

"Mea culpa" is Latin for "Oopsie, I made a boo-boo and I'm sorry." There are quite a few things a church cat can put in the category of venial sins and, heaven forbid, mortal sins. I haven't done the mortal thing yet, but the venial? Let's put it this way, I have boo-booed all over the place.

My Lenten Mea Culpa Items of the Week:

1. Listened to lusty accounts of a particular man's confession and then had to peek out to see who it was.

2. Used a swear word in a post (It was h-- and I caught h-- for using it.)

3. I scooped a dollar bill out of the collection plate. Someone had folded it up like origami and I thought it was a bird.

That's it for now. I can't put everything out on the table, but this is a start.

Hope your Lenten good intentions are going well.



Brian's Home Blog said...

Overall your oopsies aren't too bad at all, when you said you boo-booed all over the place I thought you meant...well, never mind. I'd say you're doing great.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

^..^ MOL .....hehehahaha oooppppz!
:0 ,,,we thought they were rather funny boo booz ^..^
are we goin to H e double hockey stickz fur laufin at dat ????? ^..^