This week contains one of the most dreaded, hated, feared, and useless (in my opinion) holidays's not a holiday, it's more like a scourge on the earth..
Let me explain..
It's Halloween. I don't like it. Never have. It's okay to be creeped out in the movies or by a scary story, but to celebrate creepiness, I don't think so. Around here, it gets intense since the housekeeper sticks around past her thank-cod-she's-gone time and gets candy and cupcakes for the priests ready. Just a heads up: there's no pumpkin-shaped cat kibble for us, so that ticks me off, too.
So, here are some creepy-themed posts which get into the spirit of things, but on a much more sane level:
This is me in fictional Lilliput where I'm big and scary, haha! (I wonder if they play miniature golf in Lilliput and if they call it putt-putt, lol!)
Then, of course, there's me in the light of candles...ssshhhh..Don't move! Someone or some-thing just opened the door behind me..!!
The ultimate I'm Inspector Perrot, the inimitable sleuth's sleuth..! Easy for me to say, hehe
So, these are my Halloween thoughts and how I look at the durn event. What I suggest is finding that special quiet spot that evening, a closet, tucked away on a shelf or under the bed and just sleep the night away. For humans, more used to this sort of activity, if you don't have visitors, read a good scary thriller or watch a movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Ever curled up in peaceful slumber,
Tom, since we have no kidlets, we don't hand out candy, but it's the anniversary of our first date, so we sometimes go out to dinner.
Lucky for you tom, you are not a black cat. Now I just had the idea of a disguise for you--be a black cat!!!
Cupcakes for Halloween is how my Mom "introduced" herself to my future Dad, so I have no complaints about Halloween. I get locked in the bedroom side of the house for a few hours so I can't get out the front door, but it's not terribly noisy here so I don't mind it too much. At least there are no fireworks like July 4, New Years, or whatever other time idiots decide to explode things.
I sure don't like the doorbell ringing and then the goblins and ghouls shout, yikes!
Luckily for us, we live in a place where the residents are older, so we have never been tortured by the doorbell. Which scares us and makes us hide.
It’s supposed to be cold and rainy here on Halloween so it will probably be a dud night this year for us
Have a Happy Halloween!
I don't like it either and mom doesn't as well. Never has, never will.
dood...howl o ween sux heer in TT az well..... WE due knot get any treetz, D door bellz a ring non stop...& we look out side and see..... CROWZ ~~~~~ faaaaaaaaaaaaaa
:) ♥♥♥
Well, as long as little ghosties don't ring our doorbell and get all loud, we're okay with it, Tom. XO - Gracie and Ava
Because we live on a farm we are too far out for treat or trickers. Maybe you should come to stay next Halloween, Tom.
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