Notes from a parish cat and his author Julie Mackenzie

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I am Father Tom Fish, esteemed member of the religious team at Temptation of Christ Parish in the novels by author Julie Mackenzie. As to my background, I was invited into the rectory as a stray, laid on the charm, and was invited to stay, even honorarily ordained and no less spiritual than my sidekick Father Will. He dotes on me to high heaven and forgives all of my street cat proclivities, whatever the hell that means.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Columbus & His First Mate

Hiyo! How's everybody? Sorry to wake you. I know it's afternoon. Today may as well be Saturday or Sunday..I'm finding myself snoozing more than usual..

We're celebrating Columbus Day here in the good old US of A. The day we celebrate the discovery of  America by Christopher Columbus in 1492. My recollection of that time is kinda fuzzy now. All I remember is we got lost or something and that was when it all started for men to never ask for directions since everything worked out, anyhoo.

He always had a hankering to be out to sea. Salt water taffy, not so much. I was his best first mate, the compass rose he gave me attached to my collar (isn't it cool?). He wasn't overly religious, but on board ship I heard him using a few swear words that involved God when it came to his crew. When he wasn't sailing the ocean blue, he would sit on a rock, I would sit on his shoulder, and we would fancy ourselves out on the waves headed somewhere.

(courtesy of Wikipedia)
So, anyhow, if we wind up in your neck of the woods, I'll look you guys up and we can have a grand old fish fry. I know I'll be looking forward to that and seeing you all!

That's it for now. Captain Chris is giving me the high sign that we're about to shove off.

Anchors aweigh!


Eastside Cats said...

Tom, I bet you had extra fun chasing the rodents onboard too!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You would be the very best First Mate any discoverer could wish for!

Brian's Home Blog said...

How cool, we'll be looking for you to sail on in!

Ivan from WMD said...

He was lucky to have your guidance, Tom!

pilch92 said...

Happy Columbus Day!

The Island Cats said...

Did you ever get to go fishing, Tom?

Furries said...

You make a handsome inspiration. I like to refer to Columbus Day as Lost Explorer's Day :-)

Timmy Tomcat said...

We are up to a big fish fry at any time and will welcome good old Chris too

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

I suspect their were plenty of rats on board the three ships, so no one would go hungry. that was careful planning!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...ya must haz eee ezz pea ore sum did ya noe it bee after noon heer in de land oh trout... N when ya anchor, pleez row in frum de ship at nautical 125.394.156 coz we haza feerce wind heer two will bee a fryin on de cook stove inn sted oh de grill !!! see ya soon ☺☺♥♥

meowmeowmans said...

Columbus would be lucky to have you as his guide, Tom!