We love to visit our cousins since they're only a half-hour away. Recently, when I returned home, a certain member of our party stayed behind.
Mitty's been having the time of his life. Oh, he'll be getting back here one of these days, for sure, but meanwhile, he's visiting, particularly one little kitty who's right around his age.
Here's Minnie. She's just a few weeks older than Mitty, who's about a year old now. (We'll celebrate his Gotcha Day in November)
Look at the cute spot on her nose! She was rescued from the streets as a tiny kitten by my mom's daughter and her fiance.
They're ignoring each other here, but, trust me, they play a lot.
Who? Where? |
Originally (this summer), the intent was to give Minnie a playmate and find Mitty a place to go while Mom Julie was getting the house ready to sell. People in and out, it was not the best environment for little Mr. Curious since none of us are outside kitties.
Our other cousin is GubInATub, called Gubby for short and the inspiration for Mrs. Gubbers in my Father Tom novels. That came about since he reminded our mom of when she visited Brooklyn and saw elderly women leaning on windowsills, seated next to their flowerpots, talking to people out in the street. He sits on his elbows in the hole of his cube the same way.
Older at seven and more laid back, he's not interested in tussling about.
And, last but not least is the debonair Chewseph (Joseph). Another kitty rescued, very bothered by Minnie when she first arrived, now is willing to play when not composing. It's brought out the kitten in him again, he being a couple of years younger than Gubby.
He says, "You'll enjoy my rendition of 'As Time Goes By.' " |
White paws together, like white gloves, he's ready to play the piano and will tickle the ivories for head scratches and some treats in the
nip tip jar.
So, that's been Mitty's home away from home, getting a lot of attention, play time and my human doesn't have to worry about him.
Oh, he'll be coming back. I miss the heck out of him, but I'm going over this weekend to get
my nails done my meownicure and visit.
Have a good weekend, everyone!