At 21 pounds of sheer muscle and borscht, he is a distant relative of the Romanovs. You might remember them as the royal family who hid bling in their clothes causing bullets to ricochet. Death-defying is his middle name, too, and he serves his purpose to purrfection.
He is my unofficial bodyguard and one of my best furriends. Should I become famous or threatened because I know too much (I hear a lot in the confessional), he'll have my back. Some people say we look enough alike that he could be my double.
As you can see, he can be cute which I knew, but he also has a soft side to him only to be discovered the other day. There he was, asleep with a couple of teddy bears. Even though he flexed muscle and narrowed his eyes at me, it didn't work. He's a softie caught in the act of snoozing on a comfy bed with snuggies only making him more manly, setting off his majesty and fizzeek.
Ah, life with my growing rectory family. Here we are all together: Tinker, Mitty (see how he's grown!) and me. In the lower right hand corner is the dog's head. He's heading toward us, but not before this rare picture of the three of us was taken.
On the count of three, boys--run!
Have a good weekend!
***Just wanted to mention the dog making a back-of-the-head appearance in this blog post. He's Trapper, a golden retriever, a great dog but he doesn't take part in what goes on in the rectory. This is solely or soul-ly, hehe, a cat's pad and that isn't going to change anytime soon. Meee-owver and out.
awwww - love the family picture. Tink is very handsome and we bet he makes a great bodyguard (don't worry - we won't tell anyone about the teddy bears)
I love those 'big boys'. We have all girls but skinny, lean Mr. Ed. He's a sweetie too, though. Lovely picture, you three.!
Oh, he so reminds the mom of her Chumley! (So do you.) She loves the big, floofy, gorgeous sweetheart cats. :-)
What a manly post for Friday - it's something for us to enjoy over the week end.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
What a handsome dude he is, but y'all look mighty fine!!!
21 pounds! Wow, he has me beat by about 8 pounds!
Your pal, Pip
OH there isn't a momma here who would not love to ask his permission (all of you really) to pick him (you) up and just smother you with kissies!
you both do look quite a bit alike - it's amazing. I have never hear of that breed before either. What a great looking bunch of kitties.
He is a handsome mancat to be sure!!!! Love that last picture, looks like a meeting was in progress before the dog came by :-)
Wow! He IS a handsome Man Cat. And ME LOVES that he has a soft sid! With all that fluff and with his size, me could get losted in his furs!
to all yous handome guys!
So, do you three squish your mom in bed? All the fluff and's making Mommy's head swim!
Golly. 21 pounds! What a beautiful picture of the three of you together. But we must say the picture of Tinker with the teddy bears is just too cute!
Awwww.... I love your "family photo" -- and a kitty who sleeps with teddy bears, now that is the true meaning of precious!
You All are jus da most handsumest boyz;))!! da mom wantz to pick you all up and give you smoochiez.
She picks Gabriel & Larry up together which iz almost 28 lbz. together and kissies us and sayz she haz arm full ov pussycatz :))) She luvz snuggeling wif us , now she wantz to snuggel wif you boyz ^..^
What Beautiez you guyz are :)Your Mom furry lucky :)
Wow, fabulous fuzzy kitty! Love your growing fur family, Tom!
Well, the family grows! He is a handsome fellow, indeed!
Dog!! What dog? Did we forget about him or not know about a dog at all??!! Hmmm....stay away from the slobber, dogs are pretty careless you know.
Oh me oh my what handsome fellas you all are! We love each one of you.
I love the last photo, where you all were shooting lasers at the dog!
Wow! What a handsome guy! And we can see why he's your body guard!!
Happy to meet you, Tinker. So you weren't named after a politician like Mitty? Good for you. You are 3 stooges, I mean good looking guys. Hope you chased the mutt out of the rectory.
A DOG? You live with a DOG? I think youse guys need an exorcist!
A trio of handsome kitties! And Mitty is so adorable. You are very brave to sit in the face of danger (the woofie)!
Wow 21 pounds! Tinker is really a big guy! But I agree, he can be your double :-) I love the photo of him relaxing with teddy bears. So cute!
What a handsome mancat!
Truffle and Brulee
Wow! That's one big and handsome mancat for sure! :)
So great to see the mancat trio or is it a troika?
You guys make quite the trio! It's a good thing the dog doesn't live in the rectory- he wouldn't stand a chance!
Wow, three of now. That sure sounds like fun.Mitty, you really are growing up. Good for you. We3lcome to the family Soprawnov. That is a big name. Glad you have Tom's back. Be nice to Mitty. We like him. Have a great week.
Oh beautiful Tinker! You are truly one gorgeous floofy mankitty! You are just adorable!! Hello there too lovely Mitty and wonderful Father Tom!! Me and Charlie also love the guest appearance from Trapper! Take care
Three musketeers !!!! Doggie wouldn't dare to take part of da photo...I think he a smart doggie ! otherwise, may have to deal with unlimited claws !
I'm sure the Vatican could send someone over to take care of that Hound of Hell for you.
Thanks for your very kind words today! Not surprisingly, a church cat knows all the fight thing to say. We worried about posting that, but feel much better. Everyone has been so kind! Take care & stay safe!
Hey wow! If I'd known churches have cats, I would have gone! You are a handsome set of furry faces. If you need shelter from nervous confessors, come over and stay with us a while :-) Meow from Malaysia.
Hi Tom. Just wanted to tell you I gave you an award. Hope you haven't gotten it yet. xoxo
Oh wow, very cool post! Tink is very awesome! I wonder where I can finds a bodyguard like him...
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