This lighting makes my whiskers artsy and stirs the soul. It makes my furs glow.
We're supposed to look our best to feel our best and I ask you how that can be when we're stuck with light used in cafeterias and discount stores.
Harsh light makes me dizzy and I'm more inclined to hide my body.
I've been exposed to all of the different kinds of light and I have to say sunlight and lamplight are the only ones for me. Both lift my spirits like nothing else, except maybe a flower or two, or a collection plate with cat treats. Or, an award! The lovely Cathy Keisha gave me an award last week. You can find it sitting proudly at the top of my sidebar.
How about you? Which light suits you best?
You look very handsome in the lamplight. We agree that lamp and sunlight are the best. We don't like it when mum forgets to turn the dimmer switch down on the lounge lights and it makes our eyes go funny.
I agree!
We agree, we look so much better in natural light and not all the new fangled light bulbs. Tom you do look so much better with the normal light bulbs. Hope all of you have a great week end. Mahoney says Hi back to Mitty.
You look beautiful in lamplight and sunlight and you are right..we look best in those glows. Cold flourescent is not our fruend. xoxoxo
Natural light shows all of us at our best.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
we are all about the sunlight (and we actually got to see some this week). Love you in that first picture - Ivy swooned. :)
Definitely! Sunlight is our preference, but lamplight will do in a pinch. Your are lookin handsum as always.
We agree sunlight and mood lighting lamps are the absolute best. Flowers are nice, too.
Your pal, Pip
I'm with you pal. I love sitting under a good brightly lite lamp and feeling the warmth from it.
A Sunpuddle and a bowl of treats both sound great to us!!
The Florida Furkids
That lamplight does bring out the glow in your fur. And nothing can beat sunlight (and treats)!
That first photo is just gorgeous, like you!!! Nothing beats basking in the glow of a sun puddle, but soft lamplight is a close second.
I agree with u 300% Another reason I like lamp light is cos it's warm if you sit under it. Peeps have tried those new bulbs & I gave them a paws down.
We agree too...and I like daylight the best! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
My favorite light comes straight from a sun puddle!
Tom we think you might be overly critical...clearly you are magnificent in ALL types of lighting!
Hi, handsome Tom! Sunlight is our favorite, but we agree with you that lamplight will do if that's all there is! Of course, we think you look great in ANY light, pal. :)
Hugs to you, Mitty and Julie!
I so agree the harsh light is not good. Mum uses lamplight and its much better on the eyes.. Hugs GJ xx
Oh Tom, you may look better in lamp and sunlight, and we're not arguing that, but we'd look at you no matter what light you were in! You're just too handsome!
Mom loves to work in natural light as much as possible. She hates to use the flash when taking our pictures.
WE love that first picture you are so right about the ambiance.
Tom, we're with you...give us some soft lamp light or some great sunlight...and we're happy!!
concats on your awardie, Tom! your whiskers look stunning in the glow of the light! we think sunlight suits us best...from outside...however our mom does not window sunbeams will have to do.
PIp, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
Oh Tom we sooooo agree wif you!! we luvz da glow ov da chandelierz .....,,, NO fluescent bulbz here !! mom stockin up on glowing bulbz ^..^
You lookz your best in pic #1 & #4 we agree !!
Purrz & Kissez to you, mom Julie & Mitty :) xoxoxoxo
OOOPPPSS ^..^ ,,, Concatz on your Awardie :))
Me thinks yous looks fabulicious no matter what light yous is under! Yous is one handsome cat! And CONCATULATIONS! Yous is a Pawsome Blogger!
Meowww Tom,
Sun light doesd it furr uzz but also UV lights.
When momzz is tanning (yezz she knows it izz bad for you) we love to lay beside her!
Purrrs Lars and Odin
No offense, but I often have to fight the kitties here for the best sun puddles.
Nubbin wiggles,
Sunlight suits Charlie best!!
Aww beautiful Father Tom! You dazzle and glow in all these pics!! Yay! take care
I agree, the soft lamplight lights you in a very artistic way. And I love sunlight too!
Congratulations on your award!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
What a dashing looking cat. I agree with you!
The lamp light accentuates your whiskers.
Happy Sunday.
Huggies and Cheese,
OMC, I KNOW!!! The Human has been buying those awful spirally hideous bulbs. She says they are "better for the environment" and they "last for years" and I should "get used to it" but I DON'T THINK SO.
But say, should the glow of celestial light from heaven be included on the acceptable list? I mean, you ARE a church cat and all.
You can't beat sunlight, or the lovely soft warm glow of a flickering candle... although our kitties are not allowed near those!!!
However I should mention Tom that you manage to look good in any light :)
You look lovely in any light. Kizzie is too young to have thought what light she likes best.
Congratulations on your award, well deserved.
You look lovely in any light, so don't worry about it.
We agree with you Father Tom. Actually natural sunlight is the best for us. We don't like the harsh glare of those new-fangled light bulbs either. They have a real cold feel to them.
Of course, I guess we could all go back to candle light, couldn't we?
Paws down its sunlight!
But if we can get under a table lamp we love the warmth from the old bulbs!
Great post Tom, love the last pic of you! Sunlight suits me the very best, my gray furs sparkle in it.
Very Sweet Tom, and today is Valentine day : )
Happy Valentine day !
Have a very sweet one
Yes, we agree. Sunlight is the best, and it's so wonderfully warm. Lucy is afraid of flames/candles and fires in general, but I, Skootch, am a FIRECAT!!!
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