Oh. My. Cod. All sorts of news this week and fireworks to celebrate at the end!
The Pope tweeted on Twitter and we decided to follow him. Doesn't he look like a nice man? Loves cats, I heard. Nice chair. Great for cat hair.

My book is now official, launching in November, maybe sooner. I can't believe it--finally! This week, Julie signed on with Inkwater Press out of Portland, Oregon. I can count on my umpteen toes the times she said, "Be patient, my friend, any day now." There was much head scratching, which I enjoyed on my part. Then, we were ready to take the paw-lunge. Smoochies to Acquisitions Editor Sean Jones!
I totally know the work is just beginning. There's much to be done, including publicity photos. Here's one we could use. Don't I look good with a blue background? (No, Tom, you look better behind a bar.)
Cheers! Happy Fourth, everybody!
You do look nice on the blue background! Can't wait for November! Happy 4th of July!
Paws up on the book release! I can't wait!!!
Oh Concatulationz on da book ~ Can't wait till November,,,, well sort of,, by then it will be cold again & dark ...... but anyway......
You really look wonderful against Blue ^..^
You tweet ??? Wow! ,,,not us :( ,, say Hi to da Pope fur us ^..^
Happy 4th of July ~
Purrz to you Tom & your mom Julie
HURRAH! We cannot wait for your book. The teaser you posted a while back was great...
How soon is November?
We're following the Pope too!
How exciting about your book!! We can't wait!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Yow! How exciting about your book, Tom! We can't wait!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie
Wow, concats on the book publication, that's fantastic!
Have a happy and safe holiday!
I am so excited for your book!!!! Hope you will remember all of us when you are famous!
Your pal, Pip
We likes the blue background! And we think the Holy Papa's chair would be an excellent kitty chair ;-) We already has our eye on it.
We so excited for your book! Good thing you bees a cat. Humans get excited then has trouble sleeping, but not us!
Concats on your book Tom - we hope we can still be furrends when you are a famous fellow! Happy 4th of July to you all.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
That is such exciting news, we can hardly wait! Happy 4th of July weekend to you!
That really is exciting about the book. We sure are looking forward to it. Great time for it to come out, in time for Christmas presents. I will have to go follow the Pope on Twitter. Hope all of you have a fantastic Fourth of July.
That's great news !!! I doubt that the pope's lap is very comfortable with all the knobs he wears on his habit, but you could play with his necklace !
I'm waiting! I'm waiting !!!! When are you going to tell more about the book ? Can't wait Father Tom : )
Have a great weekend
How exciting your book is coming in November!! You do look good with blue background. It's a very nice photo :-)
We hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
Great post pal. Can't wait until your book comes out - I told M already she HAS TO BUY IT as soon as it is available.
How cool about your book, Tom! We can't wait to see it!!
Happy 4th of July to you!!
Woohoo, concats on the book..we can't wait to check it out! p.s. Blue really is your color, Tom!
Congratulations on the book! We want one for sure!
Concats on the book - do you get paid in treats for posing for the pictures? If so make sure there are lots of out-takes!!
Luc Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Yay for a Portland, OR publisher for doing your book! I'll be on the lookout for it.
Concats on the book deal!! We are so happy for you!
Well, that is exciting news.
Wow Tom, theese is fantastic! Congrats on your book! Happy 4th of July to you & Julie! Thanks so much for your sweet comment and for the prayers. We really appreciate it.
Woohoo! That is great news about your book! We can hardly wait to read it, Tom (and Julie)! :)
That's exciting about your book launch!! Have a great week!
A book deal, a cat loving Pope, a blue blankie, a holiday - all wonderful things Tom.
Tom and Julie, thank you so much for your beautiful words and love for Whicky. He was, as you say, the Gentleman. We miss him and hope that he and Vinney have found a bar up there "The Bridge Inn" to swap some good long tails
Gerry & Oliver
Oh drat, we're so behind!
Congrats on your upcoming book! We can't wait to see it in print!
(Really, the Pope tweeted? :) Happy day!
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