To the soft strains of Scheherazade and the quiet of contemplation, I write this. I'm not a cat who finds words to reach the soul so easily, but when my heart is wrenched wide open, it's the soul I turn to for comfort. You were a wise, old sage who knew the value of silence and the benefit of insight.
You made me laugh with that inevitable British humour (see, Whicky, I even spelled it your own distinctive way). You were one of the first to comment on my life, accept my little world and its stories I enjoy telling so much.
Speaking of stories, I want to reminisce a little, if I could. Here are some of your words of wisdom. A few cracked me up mercilessly, others were said so well I was content to read them over and over. I hope you don't mind my sharing.
February 19, 2010 A visitor didn't like me.
"The only animals to have a dark side are humans. Your delicious sprawl on the table.."
-You knew all about expressive gestures!
March 6 A post about being underfoot
"We have experienced the lumpen footfalls of the lumbering humans. We taught ourselves to herd humans mainly toward the kitchen where the food lives."
-I love the word "lumpen."
April 17 My windowsill post
"There's a slight glaze over your eyes that gives away your nip habit, but a little of what you fancy does you good. Give my regards to Vinny if he's about."
-Your later comments helped us reconcile.
May 29 When I wrote a post about female temptresses, one even sent a seductive photo

"Could you not contemplate even one small mutual grooming session with that very pretty ladycat?"
-'Mutual grooming?' Harhar, Whicky!
And, finally, the most thought-provoking comment of all, my furriends:
In June of last year, I had a post listing all of the things I would do before I died. Some were funny, others were more about purpose. Whicky's comment was the best.
"My dying wish would be for every human child to have an education in animal welfare."Whicky, your words are our tribute. What we do to fulfill your wish is your legacy.
We love you.--Tom