This week's events have rendered me speechless--almost.
It has been one for the Ages. Not only have my friends the Navy SEAL Team Six done an amazing job, their service to our country is second to none. If they would have me, I would like to become a Navy SEAL chaplain.

I aim to be a cross between Father Mulcahey on MASH (see, they have big letters, too) and Rambo. I haven't tried it, but I know I could hold my breath under water for two minutes. I would be praying the whole time and cringing at the thought of being suspended in the dreaded H2O, but I'd do it, just to prove myself worthy. I already have claws which are deadly weapons, I am very good at keeping evil at bay, and I honestly and truly have six-pack abs--you just can't see them with all my fur.

I wear camo well, too. (did you hear about the guy who liked wearing camouflage but had trouble finding himself?) and, best of all, I am very good at keeping secrets. The whole time I've been at Temptation, I never once told what I've heard in the confessional. Now, if that isn't restraint, I don't know what is.

So, my friends, I'm the purrfect candidate to keep our men safe and strong--and close to the Man upstairs. And, at the end of every mission, I know I would get the biggest dish of ice cream on the planet.
Oh yes indeed you would be a wonderfur Navy Seal kitty....I would feel very safe with you beside me....
Bravo for the good guys...all happens in Gods time...
Love Miss Peach
Tom - you have to go for it. I know you will be the best Navy Seal ever.
You have my vote! I know I would feel much safer with you out there fighting the good fight!
Your pal, Pip
Tom, we think that is a terrific idea for you to be a Navy Seal. It really would be scary for you to have to hold your breath that long under water but we are sure the praying would get you through that. Those Navy Seals are amazing and brave people. Sure glad they all got out alive. Take care.
Tom we think you would make a good Navy Seal and with those magnificent claws of doom you wear no one would ever win in a fight with you.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
You would be a great Navy Seal! They are amazing. But you have many secret weapons they don't.
You'll make a great Seal!
Nubbin wiggles,
Me too, I think you would be a super seal! Have a great weekend everyone!
You go dear friend....and if you ever need help, please call on us.....Sammy and Andy.....we'll let our sisfur keep mama company!!!!!!!!1
Oh Tom, you'd be a hit as a SEAL. I'd be so proud to know you, too.
Tom, we second the motion. If you need written endorsement, let us know. "The Boys" and I are ready to offer our support. That holding your breath for 2 minutes thing, though, maybe you'd better re-think that one.
I would prefer that you stay save in your church and watch over the people !
And stealth! Nobody is stealthier than a Cat. Tom, we think since Cats rule the world anyway, maybe it's time to assert ourselves.
Who's with us?
Sounds like the perfect job for you, Tom! I would never make the cut because I really hate water.
Go for it Father Tom !
I really want to see your next move : )..Must be so FUN !
We think being a Navy Seal would be the coolest, Tom!! You gotta go for it!!
We think you would make a Purrfect Navy Seal!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Tom, we are sure you would be a great Navy Seal!
You've got six-pack abs? You must be working out a lot!
Folks, I'm quite happy being the parish cat at Temptation, make no mistake. I can't help but wonder, though, what it would be like to be a SEAL chaplain. As far as heavenly guidance goes, looks like they already have that from the looks of things. Thanks guys, for all you do.
Hope you all had a great weekend and an especially good Mother's Day. I know Julie did. Her daughter Megan gave her flowers. I got scritches and scratches and coos and hugs. After all, I'm everybody's baby so I get to be smothered, I mean mothered, hehehe!
Oh yeah, Tom! You would make a GREAT Navy Seal Chaplain!
Happy Mother's Day to you and Julie. How nice that Megan gave her flowers, too. :)
No doubt you'd knock 'em dead, Tom. :)
Have a happy week!
Jon Farleigh and Dewi
We would vote for you!!! Thanks for coming to our party - Mom was working so we are late. Hope your Mother's Day was fun!
Cats of Wildcat Woods
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