I'll never die of thirst--boredom, shock, maybe--but never from lack of water.
The housekeeper is a fanatic about making sure I have bowls everywhere so if I need a drink, I won't have far to go. Sometimes, I have two bowls, one gigantic whisker-wide one and another so little, there's more on the floor than on my tongue. Of course, that's the one I pick.
I can't believe I'm on the subject of water. Jeez, talk about a slow news day. It's been so quiet lately, my opinions are suffering from neglect.
I can't even think of a joke to tell. Maybe I'll try a limerick for my pal over at WALC- claw radio - to try on his listeners, but I'd like to share them with you first.

Here goes:
There was a young cat from Vermouth
Whom everyone thought quite uncouth
He'd swear at the stars
Pinch the ladies in bars
With the excuse he was born in Duluth.
Oh, Lord--sorry, folks.
Let me try another one. Let me see--
There was an old cat from O'Keefe
Who was full of blarney and beef
There was always a story
About his own glory
We'd call the dogs in for relief.
Then, of course, there's the one framed in the rectory which everybody loves:
There once was a church with a cat
One day by the altar he sat
Listening to prayers in awe
Wriggling mouse in his jaw
Communion was never the same after that.
Julie has a bit of news. Her letter to the editor is being featured in The Writer magazine for this month and, she's talking to a publisher. How would you like me all wrapped up for Christmas?
Tom, we like your third limerick the best! :-)
Concats to Julie on having her letter to the editor featured in the magazine...and to talking to a publisher. Wow, that's pawsome!
Tom, those are good jokes. Nothing wrong with the water bowl subject. Congrats on talking to a publisher. That is so great. Hope you have a great week end.
You would make a great Christmas gift Tom! Hey, I enjoyed the limericks. Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Love the third one and when it comes to water, we have bowls here and there too. Mr. Ed likes to drink from a wine glass.
What great limericks Tom - we loved them all. Well done on talking to a publisher about your book - we would love to get a copy when you're published. You have the same water dishes as us one large and one small!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
You are a funny cat, Tom! By the way, water is VERY important. You are lucky to have two bowls to choose from!
Your pal, Pip
Those are some pawsome limericks, Tom! It's good you keep your housekeeper on her toes. My kittehs nag Mom about fresh water out of the faucet--I don't even get that!!
I think you as a Christmas present would be even more pawsome!!
It sounds like the perfect Christmas gift!
Nubbin wiggles,
ha ha ha, Our Daddy is from Duluth! He's pinched Mommy, too, once or twice.
Just found your cute blog and love it, so I hit the 'follow' button. I'm a cat just like you. Come and say 'Hi!' at http://avalon-lion.blogspot.com ;-)
Our mom and dad have 3 water bowls throughout the house and we are not kidding when we say that the smallest water bowl is our favorite! Maybe we just like the fact that when they fill our little bowl (actually it is a large coffee cup) we can smell our parents on the bowl!
It's nice that you have two bowls of water :-) There are two kitties here so we have three water dishes. They often ignore water dish and demand tap water, though.
Well, maybe it's a slow day for you, Tom, but it sounds like there is a lot of excitement going on in your human's world!
Mom said thanks father Tom, Now she wasn't alone to be pinched by my dad : ) In Asia, in general...This is a woman's thing !
Please Have a great weekend
Haha! Thanks for the laugh today, Tom!! We liked your limericks!!
Congrats to Julie too! That's so great!!
Pookie does the same as you, while all the others are using the big bowl, she uses a very small one, maybe because Rosie can't put her mousies in the small one !
We love the lymerics, so we wrote our own:
There are two blogging cats in Devon,
Who one day hope to go to Heaven,
So they try to be good
and do what they should,
so they bake their bread with leaven!
Tom, I would LOVE to have you all wrapped up and sun puddling with me. I also loved your limmericks! :-)
We like your limerick have a pawsome day!
PURRS2U =^_^=
Bengal Trio
Excellent news! Excellent limerick. You have it all working for you today.
Julie says..I heard my first limerick when I was a child and it had to do with cats--the ones from Kilkenny. I've always enjoyed them (Milo and Alfie even wrote their own) and I hope you had fun reading the verses.
Well, another week ahead. Have a good one, everybody and we'll be sure to be checking in..
Tom & Julie
We really enjoyed the limericks, Tom. :)
Congratulations to Julie ... sounds like things are firing on all cylinders right now. Yay!
You're a fine limerick-writer, Tom. We ESPECIALLY like the first one. (Aren't limericks better when they're naughty?)
Congratulations! :)
Jon Farleight and Dewi
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