So, gather 'round and put down the catnip mice for a moment.
To begin, let me tell you a little about the collectible called "Angel With Cat." It is exclusively a Jim Shore, Heartwood Creek design and she is beautiful. She stands 8 1/4 inches tall and her gown is approx. 4 inches in diameter at the bottom. The cat has whiskers you can even see in the photo! He/she measures about 2 inches tall in the angel's arms, not including the long tail. It is so endearing and truly a keepsake any cat lover would treasure.
To enter: All you need to do is go to the links/contact page at the jrmackenzie website listed under my address book above and fill it out. You will immediately be entered into the drawing. Only one entry per email address, please! When you enter, you will also be eligible for my newsletter.
So, don't wait! Enter today and this angel and kitty could be yours! Any cat would be happy to be in her arms or hiding under her skirts, hehe..
I'm so excited!
Deadline: Friday July 23rd, 12 midnight Eastern Standard Time.
Drawing: July 25th, Sunday. More details later.
Thanks for entering. Good luck!
I think I entered correctly, that Angel & Kitty is so cute!!!
Congrats on blogging for 6 months!! We're glad to have met you! And how nice to be giving that pretty Angel with Kitty away! Our mom already has this figurine, so we won't enter the contest, but the lucky kitty who does win it sure will like it!!
Hi Tom!! It is very nice to meet you!! Congratulations on 6 months blogging!! That is a beautiful cat collectible, too!!
Your TX furiends,
I think I've entered the contest...Jim Shore products are really cool!
Wait a minit! Yoo've been blogging fur six months and we haf just discovered yoo? Oh, we is sadly lacking...we blame it on our sekratary (mom) she is just not as eefishant as she used to be.
Oh how kind of you to think about your friends in this special way. The kitty in the angel arms looks just like me too...I have a very long slender tail:)
Blogging is a wonderful way to connect with new kitties and to help those who need it...we are a very caring community and welcome you with open paws!
We can't believe we've never met you! Welcome to the CB and conCatulatins on your 6 month blogoversary! We're going to add you to our Google reader.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
pee ess - we think we entered the contest!
Congratulations on blogging for six months. This is a really neat way to celebrate.
Congrats on your blog anniversary and lovely figurine to give away!
I'm even more excited now since I'm meeting new friends along with celebrating with the folks who "knew me when.." heheheh...
Thanks so much for following and saying such nice things! Hope you entered the drawing and good luck!
Blogging is so much fun - not that we has a chance to do much the mom SAYS she is busy wif her day hunting job. We is glad we've come across yoo, Tom. Yer statue is furry bootiful!
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