I remember this day clearly as I had just gotten into some of her catnip (not hers, silly) that the housekeeper uses to stuff my toy mice. Potent and clarifying, I tell you, enough to make you want to jump up on every windowsill in the world and take a look around. Out of this particular window, I can see over to the parish condos and catch glimpses of residents. It's warmer out now and, just like turning over an anthill, people are going in every direction to enjoy the spring weather.
I choose a particular windowsill depending on my mood. What do I feel like watching? The one that faces the front of the rectory, of course, is the busiest; but it's the busiest both inside and outside and it can drive a cat nuts.
I'm anxious to get outside myself and play. If I can just convince Mary Lou and everybody else around here that I'll be perfectly safe running off into the woods or visiting some of my favorite people, I'll be good to go.
Besides, I need to check on Vinny. Haven't seen him around. Even though I don't care for him, I still would like to know what's going on. After all, in spite of everything, he is still part of our special fraternity of cats..(I can't believe I said that. The catnip must be more potent than I thought!)
Aaah Tom, what a grand picture of you enjoying window life. There's a slight glaze over your eyes that gives away your nip habit, but a little of what you fancy does you good. I do hope you get outside for some spring sunshine, it does a body (and soul) good. Give my regards to Vinny if he's about.
Whicky Wuudler
I love that picture of you, it's a classic! Purrsonally I would stay in side if I were you, it can be mighty scary out there!
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