Today's been a busy day here. I'm always torn between my curiosity and what I'll find out, and the urge to run like hell and hide. Sometimes I get so man-handled (women-handled not so bad) that I feel like I've been violated. But, I always take a quick inventory and find that the family jewels are still intact.
Had the ultimate pleasure of watching a little telly last night. You'll have to excuse me. It was British comedy--my favorite, Vicar of Digby--which I love and the expressions always rub off. Another word I go crazy over is "snog," as long as someone isn't doing it to me! I was all cat smiles and Will was laughing so hard there was no sitting in his lap. I was in heaven, which for a church cat doesn't happen as often as you might think.
What I enjoy depends on my mood and actually, Will's, too. In spite of the fact that I call him really stupid names, we're very close. I sense his vulnerability as I think sometimes he fears he's in over his head. I give him a leg rub or I nuzzle his hand and purr to reassure him that he's right where he's supposed to be. God knows the ladies of the parish wouldn't want him anywhere else.
And finally, as we say goodbye to another year here at Temptation Parish, just a quick meow-out to new friends Harry Spotter, AlberttheCat in UK, Karen & Piper in Canadog, and my very own CeeCee buddy, Beth.
Happy New Year!
Hello Tom, Happy 2010 to you and yours. We think a Church Cat must lead a very interesting life indeed. We hope there are many tasty mice in your church.
Whicky Wuudler
Happy New Year to you, too, Tom! May it bring you lots of love (and tuna)!
Karen and Piper
Hello Tom -- I am madly in love with you. Oh, such a handsome and smart boy you are!
I hope 2010 is a wonderful year for you!
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