Notes from a parish cat and his author Julie Mackenzie

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I am Father Tom Fish, esteemed member of the religious team at Temptation of Christ Parish in the novels by author Julie Mackenzie. As to my background, I was invited into the rectory as a stray, laid on the charm, and was invited to stay, even honorarily ordained and no less spiritual than my sidekick Father Will. He dotes on me to high heaven and forgives all of my street cat proclivities, whatever the hell that means.

Monday, June 27, 2022

How the Fur Flies

Hi, furriends..

I know...we hear about it all the time. The housekeeper says the vacuum canister is filled to the gills after one run through in living room, dining room and kitchen, and it's all FUR!!! 👀

Now, she combs me every few days or so, but I notice I'm leaving clumps around anyway and the curtains...!! Who knew?

She took care of this right quick, I'll tell you!

Me? I don't even notice my furs saying bye-bye. I do feel a tad lighter, though! 😂

~~Tom xx

Monday, June 20, 2022

 Hi, furriends!

Sorry we've been awol for a week. There's so much going on, we just needed a breather.

To bring you up to date: Bridget is back in her mouse-chasing groove. I don't know what the poor mouse wants in our house when there's plenty of food outside, but one did make it in and lived to regret it.

Here she is, determined to get at him. The paw of death!

Did she eventually get him? Afraid so. His poor little carcass sat on the kitchen floor the following day. 

I think Bridget was especially energized since there was not one single mouse all winter for her to terrorize. All that pent-up energy she had was out to get the poor mouse who found himself inside and never made it back out. 

No, I don't go after mice. I'm too old for such sport and I don't see the need. We have plenty of food and don't need a mouse to supplement our diet. I think Bridget does it more for thrills than anything else.

All for now. I'm getting ready to haunt visit all of you. Look for my mug in the comments section. I hope it shows. I've heard tell some comments are not being posted which is a shame. They're always fun to read.


Monday, June 6, 2022

Shelter Cats

Hello furriends!

June is Adopt a Shelter Cat month and I can't say it enough times: We former shelter cats are so grateful that someone did that for us! I don't think the housekeeper ever contemplated doing anything different. Just think, if humans adopted a shelter cat, they could never be accused of looking for love in all the wrong places. There's nothing wrong about saving a furry one!

But, not all cats come from shelters. I did, but Bridget came from a dump and Penny wound up in our yard and try as we might, no owner was ever found. So, we can't forget those kitties who come into our lives from places out of the ordinary.

Bridget: Did I come from a dump? Really?

Me: Yep. And, don't you forget it.

Bridget: How do you figure?

Me: The housekeeper found out that a mother cat had kittens where she took an old desk to throw away and you were one of them.

Bridget: You just never know where you're going to wind up on this Earth, do you?

Me: Nope. You're one lucky cat to be with hunky, irresistible me!

Bridget: Don't push it, buster!

Go out and rescue an irresistible cat today!
