This week contains one of the most dreaded, hated, feared, and useless (in my opinion) holidays's not a holiday, it's more like a scourge on the earth..
Let me explain..
It's Halloween. I don't like it. Never have. It's okay to be creeped out in the movies or by a scary story, but to celebrate creepiness, I don't think so. Around here, it gets intense since the housekeeper sticks around past her thank-cod-she's-gone time and gets candy and cupcakes for the priests ready. Just a heads up: there's no pumpkin-shaped cat kibble for us, so that ticks me off, too.
So, here are some creepy-themed posts which get into the spirit of things, but on a much more sane level:
This is me in fictional Lilliput where I'm big and scary, haha! (I wonder if they play miniature golf in Lilliput and if they call it putt-putt, lol!)
Then, of course, there's me in the light of candles...ssshhhh..Don't move! Someone or some-thing just opened the door behind me..!!
The ultimate I'm Inspector Perrot, the inimitable sleuth's sleuth..! Easy for me to say, hehe
So, these are my Halloween thoughts and how I look at the durn event. What I suggest is finding that special quiet spot that evening, a closet, tucked away on a shelf or under the bed and just sleep the night away. For humans, more used to this sort of activity, if you don't have visitors, read a good scary thriller or watch a movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Ever curled up in peaceful slumber,