World Cat Day happens to fall on Mancat Monday. Purrfect!
Mom Julie has insisted on taking over this post for today. I'll sit off to the side while she writes, hoping to bask in the glow of praise and celebration.
Thanks, Tom.
In the show The Honeymooners, Ralph tells Alice, "You're a pip, Alice." Suspecting it's an affectionate insult, it happens often enough for her to take it in stride, knowing she loves him for all his foolishness. It's that way with Tom and me. The old cat may as well call me a pip because he knows he already has that soft spot in my heart.
He lets me think I'm in charge, but pushes my buttons and rules the roost. This is his day to celebrate this strange yet affectionate relationship, a highlight of all the things that make him a cat, a wonderful four-legged inspiration for an entire congregation all in my head. Imagine that. He's also been there for the challenges, the wee early morning hours of work, a few tears and the decisions. (He's seen me through an awful lot of stuff lately).
So cheers to you, Tom and all the kitty companions who make our lives a better place, or are with us in spirit.
Happy Cat Day!
I couldn't have done it without you!
For this picture, I had the camera balanced on my shoulder. His paw will be on my arm quite often as I move the mouse (his mouse).
Well Said Father Tom, and you can get your human to post today, You Rock !!!! Happy World Cat Day !!!
And I hope your human spoil you both rotten : )
Happy World Cat Day dear friends!
Great post fur sure! Happy World Cat Day!
We hope you have a Happy World Cat Day Tom and get many scritches and kisses. We are sure if you give the odd headbutt there will be treats later.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
I thought I was the only Pip around here! Just kidding, Happy World Cat Day!
Your pal, Pip
Excellent post! Happy World Cat Day!
That's a lovely tribute. :-) Our mom understands about kitties getting humans through a lot of rough life stuff.
Happy World Cat Day.
Happy World Cat Day. Very nice tribute by your staff which is how it should be.
Wow! What a wonderful tribute! Is it not wonderful to have a day where our humanss can acknowledge to the world how we cats rule!!!
Nellie and Koz
You are so lucky, Father Tom. You got a blog about you straight from the heart. So beautiful.
Happy World Cat Day to you both!
Happy world cat day.. Love how the photoo was captured.. Hugs GJ xx
Aw, what a wonderful and heartfelt post, Julie. Wishing you, Tom and Angel Vinny a very happy World Cat Day. Hugs!
That's true love!!! Happy World Cat Day!
Thanks for the purrs and prayers for Ellie.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Happy World Cat Day!! Happiness is being ruled by a benevolently despotic Cat. hee hee!
we hope to be up to speed commenting by next week...secretaries...sheesh.
Such a touching post and picture to boot! Hope your World Cat Day was wonderful!
What a lovely post & that pic is adorable. Happy World Cat Day!!
Nubbin wiggles,
Aw, Julie...what nice things you said. Happy World Cat Day, Tom!
Happy World Cat Day!
what a precious and dear tribute and knowing about what you went thru to take the picture because his sweet paw was on your arm makes me so warmly happy.
Hope you all had a happy World Cat Day. All right, guys--let's try for cat week next time. You think it'll work?
A special thanks and hug to the two woofies Oskar and Pip who both wished us well on our day!
Happy World Cat Day!!
It's our first time to your welcoming site via our pal Mr. Puddy. Pssst, can we take confession even though we pagan heathen kitties?
What a great post! Kitties truly make our lives a better place. And even if they cross the bridge, they will be with us in heart forever :-)
Very nice post. In our house, when the cats are healthy and happy, life is especially good.
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