In a rare opportunity to explore underground caverns as yet undiscovered, the team has stumbled upon the most unusual sight.
In the largest, most awe-inspiring cavern of them all, one junior explorer was heard to say, "Are those stalagtites or stalagmites? I always get those two confused."
Of course, once the giant cat closed his mouth and swallowed, it really didn't matter.
Jeez, all kidding, aside, Tom, I better get you to the dentist to get those back teeth cleaned.
You just don't want to say the word "vet."
You're right.
Anyway, that's next on our list.
Why do you get such a kick out of my yawns?
I don't know. I just do. They can say so much sometimes.
I even mention one of your yawns in the book. It helps to explain the relationship you have with the housekeeper's son.
I don't like him.
Here goes:
Young Father Will and Jerry are chatting in front of the rectory. The priest is on an errand and the young man has just arrived:
Will spent most free nights with a good book and the cat.
"Does he turn the pages?" Jerry laughed.
"No, he just adds to the plot."
"He sits and looks over my shoulder and his purrs get louder when there's suspense."
"That's pretty cool."
"It is. Once in awhile, we get disturbed, but not very often."
"I miss him. I can't have any pets in my new place."
Not a cat lover at the beginning, Will couldn't imagine life now without Tom. "I'm sorry to hear that."
The priest saw a couple cross over to their side of the street, then turn and point in the opposite direction. Looked like they were lost. Jerry hadn't noticed.
"Come on over later," Will suggested.
"I'd like that!"
"I'm sure Tom'll be thrilled."
Will and Jerry looked back at the front window just in time to see the cat in the middle of a head-splitting yawn, ears pinned back and teeth bared in a soundless shriek.
"Yeah," said Jerry, cracking up.
Everyone, please stay safe. At a time when we're all experiencing changes in our lives, we're facing a storm the likes of which we haven't seen in quite awhile. Thoughts and prayers are with all of you in the CB. We think of you any time there's news in your area. As for us here, we're a little nervous, but I'm putting lead weights on Tom to make sure he doesn't blow away.
Take care everyone!
Tom &
Mom Julie