Notes from a parish cat and his author Julie Mackenzie

My photo
I am Father Tom Fish, esteemed member of the religious team at Temptation of Christ Parish in the novels by author Julie Mackenzie. As to my background, I was invited into the rectory as a stray, laid on the charm, and was invited to stay, even honorarily ordained and no less spiritual than my sidekick Father Will. He dotes on me to high heaven and forgives all of my street cat proclivities, whatever the hell that means.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tom Talking to Hymnself

I try to be a good cat. I don't always make it to every single Mass, but that's all right because Will and Jack say I've become too much of a distraction when people want to pray. I love how issues come out of nowhere! Anyway, so I run in and out of the pews, jump on laps during the sermon (which is welcome, believe me), but that's just enhancing the worship experience, I say.

I personally think people should pray wherever they happen to be. Like this kitty. I know he was saying his prayers!

Brave kitty!



Unknown said...

Father Tom, you must be a Sunday morning highlight when you do show up!

Mr Puddy said...

MOL...Father Tom, Mom said she would love to see you in the church, Must be very nice..heh..heh
Happy Saturday Father Tom

Mariodacat said...

ha ha- we're rolling on the floor (ROFWL0 over this one. LOVE that picture. M wishes you'd come and visit their church some Sunday (if you know what I mean!) he he

Fuzzy Tales said...

Ha! That pic is cute, we've seen it before. Supposedly they're police dogs being trained not to be distracted--or so the tale (tail?) goes.

The mom says church would have been much more enjoyable if there had been a church cat in her little country parish church when she was growing up. :-P

And you're right, purrsonally, we don't think "god" cares where anyone prays or what they wear to do it, etc.

Hannah and Lucy said...

What a furry brave cat and very obedient dogs!
Do you get treats when you jump up on a lap for a cuddle in church Tom?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Many prayers are answered when you jump on their lap Tom, I'm certain of it! Happy weekend everyone!

Ingrid said...

If we would have a cat here in the church I would go too, lol ! As you say it doesn't have to be a church necessarily especially when the priest is an old fashioned guy (all churches are catholic in Belgium) and would even like to hold the mass in latin !! Of course no cat comes then !

Summer at said...

My human wishes there had been a cat at the church she went to growing up. Maybe she would have been on time to the services then!

Marg said...

I bet those church goers really like to see you in the middle of the sermon. You must always feel very welcome. And we know that kitty walking in front of all those doggies was saying some serious prayers. Great picture. Have a fun day.

Katnip Lounge said...

Mommy personally thinks petting Cats is a Heavenly experience!

Anonymous said...

Dear Father Tom,
Me thinks it would be fun to go to church! Mommy says me is heavenly (sometimes).

ZOOLATRY said...

Mmm, we're thinking we should send a few extra purr-rayers upward for that kitty...
Maggy & Zoey, Zoolatry

The Island Cats said...

That kitty is very brave!!

meowmeowmans said...

We would love for you to jump on our laps during church services, Tom! :)

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

Wow what well behaved doggies! That is one brave kitteah, PURRRS2U!
Bengal Trio =^_^=

Tamago said...

I would love to come to the church if you will be there :-)
I love the photo of a kitty walking in front of so many dogs!!

Catsparella said...

Hmm, either that kitty is brave..or those doggies know that cats rule! :) I hope you had a wonderful weekend, furriend!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

The sky tinkled all weekend. We had two days of rain and I slept. Thanks for your comments and remember, keep up the smiles and the tails, furriends!


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Mom says yoo can pray anywhere ... yoo don't need to be inside the church. We sometimes PURRay seveal times a day when our kitty friends are ill or troubled. Purrs.

Cathy Keisha said...

TW says the same thing. You don't have to be in church the pray. I'm not even allowed in the church. It must be fun for you cos there are prolly church mice too.

Elizabeth Keene said...

Oh, that's one brave kitty and a bunch of very full dogs. (or a miracle) :) Have a great week!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Came by to catch up on your posts. You do manage to keep busy. And for those folks you've been catching sneaking in the back door, a bell above the door would solve that problem. :)

Oskar said...

I bet that kitty was saying his prayers!

Nubbin wiggles,

Tooki said...

I am yr newest follower...:) Having witnessed a kitty mauled by dogs, I can imagine that cat's nervousness! Just the right pic for Ps 23...

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

OMC! What a lucky kittie, good thin they trained woofz ^..^
Da mom sayz you must be da highlight of Sunday service,,, she wouldn't mind you jumping on her lap :))
Purrz ~