Notes from a parish cat and his author Julie Mackenzie

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I am Father Tom Fish, esteemed member of the religious team at Temptation of Christ Parish in the novels by author Julie Mackenzie. As to my background, I was invited into the rectory as a stray, laid on the charm, and was invited to stay, even honorarily ordained and no less spiritual than my sidekick Father Will. He dotes on me to high heaven and forgives all of my street cat proclivities, whatever the hell that means.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Winter: Enough Already

After brushing the cat litter from my fountain pen, I sat down and wrote the following:

Dear Winter,

I've had it up to my whisker-tips. Another snowfall. This is not Broadway. There are no encores. It's time to say goodbye!

I know it's a bummer being monochromatic (burrp! I just ate which gives me the amazing ability to use big words), but please don't make spring wait, with its pretty flowers and everything turning green. We're antsy. The first day of spring has arrived. Didn't you know? You may as well accept the fact there are no more footlights. It's time to take the hat and go.

By all that is holy, we in the north country can't wait for: FLOWERS!

Here's a picture of me looking out at the ivy last fall:
(I know a parishioner named Ivy. What a sweet name!)

And look at these--beautiful green leaves with a stem of hearts running through them:

Winter, say goodbye so we can open windows to let in the fresh air, the birdsong (oh, yeah) and the smell of things growing. It's time to rest yourself and dream your own dreams.

Most sincerely,
Tom the Church Cat


Brian's Home Blog said...

It's been messing with us too, we had temps in the 70s with window whiffin, then back down to the 40s. Come on winter, leave me and my friends alone!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope winter decides to take a long nap and lets Spring take over the weather duties Tom.
Have a great weekend .
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Mariodacat said...

I'm with you pal. Now they say we are getting snow dis weekend. Enough already.

Unknown said...

Tom - we hope to hear soon that Winter granted your request and you are enjoying the beautiful green plants and colorful flowers. Your letter was very compelling!

Admiral Hestorb said...

I agree whole heartedly. We are being teased here with warm days and then 33 degrees at night with 45 in the day Then..warm again. Sigh.

Kea said...

Tom, if you start a petition, we'll sign it. It's been mostly in the 20s F, but has made it up into the high 30s or low 40s F today -- haven't checked. We're SO ready for WARM weather and GREEN grass!

-Fuzzy Tales

Elizabeth Keene said...

Tom, we agree. Winter has overstayed its welcome and needs to go away until next time. Maybe your letter will do the trick. ;)
Jon Farleigh, Dewi, Charlie, Tigger, Eva and Lulabelle

Katnip Lounge said...

Tom, come over. It's 80 in our back yard! Of course it'll be windy as all get out tonight and back to the 60's tomorrow, but at least the sun is out!

Random Felines said...

We couldn't agree more - it is darned chilly here and us and mom have have enough already!!!

Summer at said...

Winter really has lingered way too long for you northern kitties!

The Island Cats said...

Tom, we are ready to give winter the boot!

Mr Puddy said...

Father Tom, You are so kind, That's why " Dear Winter " don't want to say goodbye. May be you have to call another word to get rid off " Dear Winter " !

Sweet Purrfections said...

It has been a long winter this year, hasn't it?

The Daily Pip said...

I am with you. When will this end? It was a little warmer here today and the sun was out so I guess I shouldn't complain, BUT spring still seems far away.

Your pal, Pip

RoySr said...

Sorry for the delayed Spring you are not having .... or is it having .... whatever. We would brag about our nice weather down here in dear old Dixie, but we are not supposed to tease those of us less fortunate ..... the heck with that.

We gots Summer weather here. I hate it. I have to get out and cut the grass and the mower is broke. I could use some snow about now. Kill them weeds. Yeah, just smother them suckers right back down .....

I guess we take what we gots, huh! Be happy, stay warm, and talk to us. We'll listen anyway.

Marg said...

That is a wonderful letter to Winter. We sure hope it works cause we are ready for flowers too. We can hardly wait for the flowers. Hope you have a super Sunday.

Ingrid said...

My cats agree with you they enjoy spring time and are sniffing at the outcoming flowers which makes them sneeze ! said...

Dear Tom,
Thank you for visiting the Shelter Cats. They hope to find homes soon with big sunny windows for bird watching and napping.


I hope you smell the sweet scent of spring very soon!

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

What pretty flowers! I'd love to put the bitey on those leaves of the white heart flowers! My humom would get mad tho, she says plants are no good for the bitey; only for looking & smells. PURRS!
Luna & Zulu

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Well, furriends, winter must have gotten my letter because this weekend was much warmer and sunny. We even opened a window so I could sit in it *gasp!*

Have a good week, dear ones, and don't forget your purrs and purrayers for all the sick kitties, Sweet Praline and the Admiral, and others who need them so much!

Have a good week!


Catsparella said...

"I've had it up to my whisker-tips. Another snowfall. This is not Broadway. There are no encores. It's time to say goodbye!" MOL..I couldn't have put it better myself!! I am anxiously awaiting the *real* arrival of Spring!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I came to say thank you for visiting and your good wishes. Hugs GJ xx

Tamago said...

It is April. Winter must leave!
These flowers are so beautiful. I hope spring will visit you soon :-)

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

We hope your winter goes away for good, Tom, because winter, well it just sucks! We had an awful winter too, with bunches and bunches of snow, but it seems to be finally over here.
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon