Now, when it comes to cats, we don't celebrate Mother's Day--at least, not in the biological sense, that is. We know we had mothers, but we don't keep in touch after we're off on our own, although I would love to have known who she was.
Boy, do I have a mother now, though! Actually, make that a mother and two Fathers. Quite a crowd when it comes to celebrating, too. I try to give Mary Lou gifts every day of the year and, yes, the priests do give her something from me, all fancy-like. It's our form of group hugging.
If you have a mother to remember tomorrow, that's great. If not, think of those who have been like a mother to you and give them a big old smackeroonie or a heartfelt meow with a card.
I want to wish everyone a happy Mother's Day with one of my special occasion limericks:
There's no mother quite like Mary Lou
My care becomes quite a to-do
She spoils me quite rotten
I'm sure she's besotten
No cat rules a kingdom so true!
Just don't let the priests see this 'cause I'll never live it down. Mary Lou will think it's cute.
I loved the little poem!!! Happy Mother's Day to Mary Lou and a twitch of my ear to the Fathers two!
You're pretty poetic yourself, Brian! What nice things to say.
Well, hello there, Father Tom! It's so nice to meet you! We can't wait to learn more about you and your life at the church!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Tom, there's no fooling us, we know you are a soft hearted king. Sweet little poems like that are a bit of a giveaway!
Whicky Wuudler
Hi, Island Cats and welcome to my little world here at Temptation!
I hope you enjoy yourself every time you visit!
Everycat, you make me blush. (Do cats blush?)
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