At 21 pounds of sheer muscle and borscht, he is a distant relative of the Romanovs. You might remember them as the royal family who hid bling in their clothes causing bullets to ricochet. Death-defying is his middle name, too, and he serves his purpose to purrfection.
He is my unofficial bodyguard and one of my best furriends. Should I become famous or threatened because I know too much (I hear a lot in the confessional), he'll have my back. Some people say we look enough alike that he could be my double.
As you can see, he can be cute which I knew, but he also has a soft side to him only to be discovered the other day. There he was, asleep with a couple of teddy bears. Even though he flexed muscle and narrowed his eyes at me, it didn't work. He's a softie caught in the act of snoozing on a comfy bed with snuggies only making him more manly, setting off his majesty and fizzeek.
Ah, life with my growing rectory family. Here we are all together: Tinker, Mitty (see how he's grown!) and me. In the lower right hand corner is the dog's head. He's heading toward us, but not before this rare picture of the three of us was taken.
On the count of three, boys--run!
Have a good weekend!
***Just wanted to mention the dog making a back-of-the-head appearance in this blog post. He's Trapper, a golden retriever, a great dog but he doesn't take part in what goes on in the rectory. This is solely or soul-ly, hehe, a cat's pad and that isn't going to change anytime soon. Meee-owver and out.